our tongues
Guarding our mouths is certainly important SC.....particularily when striving to live a Chrsitian life with integrity
Proverbs speaks to the tongue and the problems we 'dig' for ourselves. Silence is golden might be a nice analogy reading Proverbs:
Proverbs 10:9 ....he who holds his tongue is wise
Proverbs 11:12...a man of undersatnding holds his tongue
Proverbs13:3 He who guards his lips, guards his life......
Proverbs21:23.......keeps himself from calamity
We need to make our words count; I find that after many years that while I am listening I pray, so that I may dwell less on what I might say, should say, or plan to say......so there is less of me and more of Him in the responses.........
It is a sticky nut, the taming and bridling of our tongues........:dance: