God's Gift of Love

In humility He came to a land not the same, to a time set aflame by wars and strife, His life, His words would echo through time, His sacrifice of love would show the way all should live, His life given for mine for yours.
From a Kingdom He came to a lowly stable, to a wooden cross His blood stains still remain midst the shadows of time, from the open tomb His love displayed the richness of His gift, victorious He returned to Heaven above with intercession in His nail scarred hands.
His essence remains through the Spirit's presence, each day He awakens me with gentleness in His words, reminding me that I am His and He is mine, His blood bought gift of love at Calvary was His most blessed response to a world torn apart by sin and pain, in His coming He prepared the way for all who would believe to find that elusive peace foretold, in Christ alone. How shall we respond this Christmas?
Hello Tsavah2;

Thank you for your thread, God's Gift of Love. I read it twice.

How do we respond this Christmas? By the same way you are reflecting Christ's Birthday this season.

Many of us will celebrate in various ways but keeping Jesus in the center.

God bless
you, brother and your family.

Hello Tsavah2;

Thank you for your thread, God's Gift of Love. I read it twice.

How do we respond this Christmas? By the same way you are reflecting Christ's Birthday this season.

Many of us will celebrate in various ways but keeping Jesus in the center.

God bless
you, brother and your family.

Thank you, may the richness of God's Grace through His riches in Christ Jesus inspire us through the Holy Spirit to walk in Jesus' shoes and extend His love as He loved us. God Bless, Tsavah2