Gone Astray? - Got Lost? How Do You Get Back?

Luke - to the Greeks, revealing Jesus as a Man and Priest.

The writer of this aspect of Jesus is a doctor, Dr. Luke. He was an educated man and a keen observer. He wrote this account by the Holy Spirit revealing Jesus as the perfect Man to the Greeks. The Greeks possessed a wider culture, loved beauty and philosophy. Luke being a Greek himself, would be well fitted for presenting Jesus as the ideal of perfect manliness.

In Luke`s account we see God manifest in the flesh. Luke deals with the humanity of Jesus, a man with all His sympathies, feelings and growing powers. Here we see the glory of God coming down to our level, entering into our conditions, and being subject to our circumstances.

Luke gives the fullest particulars concerning the miraculous birth of Jesus and that testimony is from a physician. He tells of Jesus as a boy, subject to his parents, in the temple and working with his hands.

Luke also shows how Jesus is touched with the feelings of people`s infirmities.

He touched the man full of leprosy. (Luke 5: 13)

He touched the bier of the dead young man. (Luke 7: 14)

He touched the ear of the servant of the high priest. (Luke 22:51)

He knows the grief of a wounded spirit.

He comprehends the sorrow of a bereaved soul.

He weighs the burden of a broken heart.

He feels the solitude of the leper`s loneliness.

He regards the distressing circumstances of the poor widow.

He senses the tragedy of a disabled body, whether lameness, deafness, blindness or dumbness.

These and many more demonstrations show Jesus` infinite tenderness and compassion as the sympathetic Priest who came to unveil the very heart of God with all His kindly love.

The words `redeemed & redemption` do not occur in Matthew or Mark, but appear in Luke for the first time in the New Testament.

`to all those who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.` (Luke 2:38)

Jesus never allowed the law to prevent His gracious ministry. How can there be a law against His activities of love? As a priest He represented mankind before God, therefore prejudice toward caste, race, nation, class or gender, could not find a place in His heart.

The climax to this presentation declares that repentance and remission of sins are now possible to all nations in His name. (Luke 24: 46 & 47)

Thank you Lord
I ask God to block Satan from whispering in my ear. I ask God to be louder I really don't want Satan to trick me.

Why can't I just trust Him
I have never heard God speak to me audibly. I only ever hear my own voice in my head. it comments, names things and judges things as good
Temptation is tricky. I dont always know when I am being tempted, it* just happens*. I know some sins I have managed to keep at bay, but there's like fearing and desiring for selfish reasons is not so easy to spot.
I remember the Prayer Our Father who art in ~Heaven, but I never understood it and still dont.

edit: I don't think there is a promise that He will stop you from being tempted, but I think there is one that says He Will give you an escape?

Edit 2. *just happens* until we get given enough awareness we are engaging in it.
What does hallowed be thy name mean?

For some reason at my Roman Catholic school we never used to say
“ yours is the kingdom the power and the glory” at the end of prayer.
We used to skip that part.

We used to also pray to Mary but I never understood what that was all about.

I do appreciate the Catholic schooling I had in retrospect because I see how many people do not use their manners in real life and I had that instilled in me. I am grateful for that. But the liturgies I never understood, but I have come to appreciate them now as they were just about praise and worship which I never bothered with at school. And my parents even though they were good people, just didn’t go to church anyway.
A very moving thread with so much which could be said to so many, so please allow me to summarize its effect upon me:

bobinfaith noted, sometimes we go astray by focusing on the problem and not God. We are leaving ourselves out to dry when we do not focus on our faith, but on our problems.

Marilyn C's description and passages having to do with Luke, Jesus as a Man and as a Priest, physically & spiritually touching people.

Via dolarossa's comment on a daily practicing of our faith. Mountains can be moved and behavior changed through repetitiously daily practice.

Cosia's request that we post an encouraging verse which helped us get back, which was answered by Lanolin 's posting of the Lord's Prayer which I will get to in a moment.

I have regularly strayed from God and not given Him his just due, believing that I could make it on my own. I then, symbolically, fall into a foxhole and ask for help and get pulled out by Him, without having to wait all that long.

Which brings me back to a line in the Lord's Prayer... Thirty-five years ago, I was in the RN program, going to classes & clinicals full time, working as an LPN full time, and TCB as I could. In the third of four semesters, my wife of three years said she wanted a divorce. I was devastated! We separated, I got an apartment and dreaded waking each morning with anxiety, knowing that my wife had cheated on me and that I was alone.

I began reciting the Lord's Prayer and found that if I repeated "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us", my feelings of anxiety and dread abated. The line became like a mantra for me, and I would repeat it over and over again, feelings relieved.

Years have passed; I have gone astray but am always welcomed back by the Lord.

Thank you for allowing me to share.
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Thank you Davey D0 for sharing a very heartfelt post. It will be encouraging for many.

I agree that God is always ready to forgive.
God Bless Davey
My go-to chapter is Romans 8. Verses:
32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,
39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

We have to live for God, go through what comes our way whatever it may be, knowing that the other side is the destination. The journey is now.
Good morning, Marilyn;

The title, Gone Astray? - Got Lost? How Do You Get Back? is a lifetime of "growing up" for me.

Through the years I feel God has spiritually grown me as a man of God, disciple, husband and servant,
but I still haven't seen everything. Along the way a little dart here and a little arrow there pricks my heart and I lose my way.

This is why the Scriptures you share in Luke is my compass to help bring me back, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, as time progresses.

I'm so grateful to God because He is always with us, through it all.

God bless everyone and Happy New Year.
