
I hate holloween with a passion. Plain and simple...

...It is not of God. Why? Too many scriptures being said about it if we look around.

I personally think it's just more genuine to celebrate something based on what it means to you not based on it's history.
I have to agree because my research finds that sports have roots in Paganism. How many who are against celebrating Christmas and Halloween, have no qualms about participating in sports?I say if God can turn a human sinner into a Holy creature, we can certainly turn any bad rooted event into a good one, by choice and deliberation.
For example.... I just returned from a Halloween costume party that was thrown by my family. Some are christians, some are not, but to us it's all about getting together, having a great time, eating food, listening to music, having a fire and enjoying each others company all while being dressed up in various costumes.
A Halloween party to my family has nothing to do with devil worship or pagan rituals, we've basically turned it into a new holiday. To us, Halloween is much like Thanksgiving, the 4th of July, and Christmas, only with a creative costume theme.
My point simply is, Halloween will become what you turn it into.... My family has taken it and turned it into something fun....
Others teach their kids that it's an evil, satan worshipping holiday, and to those kids thats what it becomes, because thats what it was turned into for them.

Halloween did involve human sacrifice- I don't care for it but I am not going to judge your choices.
So did soccer and football~

Soccer was invented by the Mayan and Aztec Indians in Central America. At the Mayan Ruins, in the city of Copan, Honduras, they have a one of the first soccer fields ever. This civilization dates back to more than 10,000 years ago. In this civilization, Soccer teams would compete against each other and the captain of the winning team was sacrificed after the game. The act of being sacrificed was considered an honor to these people.

Soccer was played as a game by Roman soldiers, who used the heads of their enemies in a game with simple goalposts. So it's understandable why there is a rule against touching the ball with your hands. Just kick it again.

I need to point out that kids aren't worshipping the devil just because they put on a costume and go out and get free candy.
Halloween isn't an evil, satanic holiday unless you teach your kids to believe that.
To them it is a time to have fun, use their imaginations to dress up, and go get free candy. I guarantee thats all kids think of it.
Is their anyone in here who celebrates christmas?? Does anyone put up a christmas tree, hang lights and give and receive presents? If you're going to shun halloween, then you need to not celebrate christmas as well because it's roots are just as pagan.
Jesus wasn't born on december 25th, in all likely hood he was born in the late september/early october area.
The christmas that most people celebrate on december 25th, is just as pagan as halloween.
Quit trying to sound spiritual, praise God for our awesome imaginations that He created, and let your kids dress up and get free candy.
I personally am going as SpongeBob.
(I should also mention that I don't really agree with dressing up as evil, bloody, horrific things related to death and demons, so on and so forth you get the idea. but I think it's perfectly fine to dress up as fun imaginative stuff like Dinosaurs, Super-Heros, Cartoon Characters, Robots or anything else you can think of that is fun and creative.)
I made my own costume out of cardboard and different colored felt paper and I had a blast doing it.

Personally, I no longer celebrate Halloween. When I was a kid I was encouraged to do so and didn't know any better.
Satan is so sly. I often hear, "But it's just little kids having fun and getting candy." That reminds me of his speech with Eve, "Eat for thou surely won't die." He tells half truths and many people fall for far too many of them.
I know of a so-called church, never did know the name of it but it was close to where we lived for about 2 years or so. Every Halloween eve they had a goat tied up outside the church and the next morning it was gone...
I was personally condemned in my spirit. I am not saying this to be judgemental but it is coming from my experience and conviction.
We do not celebrate it. We also do not celebrate Kwaansa, Hannukah, Ramadan, Ash Wednesday, RoshHashanna, the full moon...

We do celebrate Christmas (Happy Birthday Jesus!), Resurrection Day (Easter), Passover, Independence Day, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Armed Forces Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Birthdays, New Years Day, Valentines Day...but we celebrate the PURPOSE of those days...not just an excuse to get together for a BBQ.
But not Amenrican football Violet- although I suspect many idolize that now. Halloween has no godly redeeming virute I personally can see. I was watching the Glenn Beck show last night. He was commenting that the old costumes ( witches, demons, etc) were no longer as popular but now moms were dressing their kids scantily like moraly bankrupt celebs- yuck. Anyway my kids don't take candy from strangers- come to think of it niether do I. As I said previously - I judge no one- each follow his or her conscience towards Christ. Hmm- perhaps each should pray and get His take on it.
Halloween, as popularized in the US, has no point whatsoever really. Part of why I'm so apathetic about it. Even the pagans have a halfway decent purpose for the day. I think it's "admirable" (sorry, can't think of a better word) to remember friends and love'd ones that have passed on, and even our ancestors. Though, as a good Christian, you should definitely draw the line somewhere before the actual "summoning of their spirits" for communion.

I do find it funny, that both Christians and pagans have gotten disgusted by the entire thing, and for much the same reasons.
Can I ask this...?

Does your church celebrate Halloween?

Mine did...but they stopped. There was some protest, so now they're going to have a "Family Fun Night".

The church that I last attended only had "trunk or treat", pretty much no costumes allowed or anything like that. But I've been in churches that cover the entire gambit. I'm basically fine with the "Fall Festival" thing because it's just a party, not really related much to Halloween at all, no Celebration of the dead or anything.

To contrast it, the Wiccan Samhain is pretty much just like the American Thanksgiving unless they've changed it in the past 2 years.
COMMERCIALISM and the monies that are generated from purchases by those parents who DON'T KNOW and DON'T CARE is what drives the so-called celebration of Halloween these days. If PARENTS would take time out from their busy lives and take the time to STUDY what is involved now, what the origins were and actually sit down and TALK with their kids about it, there would be NO commercial incentive.

Oh, wow - Parents actually talk with their kids? What a unique concept. (sarcasm intended).
COMMERCIALISM and the monies that are generated from purchases by those parents who DON'T KNOW and DON'T CARE is what drives the so-called celebration of Halloween these days. If PARENTS would take time out from their busy lives and take the time to STUDY what is involved now, what the origins were and actually sit down and TALK with their kids about it, there would be NO commercial incentive.

Oh, wow - Parents actually talk with their kids? What a unique concept. (sarcasm intended).

Great point! My kids don't even care about NOT doing it. It's people outside of our home that press the issue. We have taught our children the origins, and pointed out what it is today...they understood without us having to go into detail.

This "holiday" does nothing to glorify God...in fact, I believe it does glorify satan...even IF you don't celebrate it "that way".
Hmm...can a Holiday glorify God or Satan? Or is it the people and what they do that glorify?

The primary manner that we celebrate Christmas, the most heavily celebrated holiday by Christians, is still very, very pagan. More than that, the pagan winter soltice BARELY got changed at all from our modern day Christmas, while Halloween is barely at all like Samhain, which as I said before is closer to Thanksgiving than Halloween.

In the end, these are all secular holidays, even when they have been adapted by the church and given a good purpose. Commercialism is the new 'god' and what drives all of these holidays.

So...what makes a holiday good or bad? Is it the origin? Is it the way it's currently used today?

I've always believe that it's the usage of a thing that gives it meaning, not it's origins. So dressing your kids as demons, witches, etc, would be just as wrong on Halloween as any other day.
Hmm...can a Holiday glorify God or Satan? Or is it the people and what they do that glorify?

The primary manner that we celebrate Christmas, the most heavily celebrated holiday by Christians, is still very, very pagan. More than that, the pagan winter soltice BARELY got changed at all from our modern day Christmas, while Halloween is barely at all like Samhain, which as I said before is closer to Thanksgiving than Halloween.

In the end, these are all secular holidays, even when they have been adapted by the church and given a good purpose. Commercialism is the new 'god' and what drives all of these holidays.

So...what makes a holiday good or bad? Is it the origin? Is it the way it's currently used today?

I've always believe that it's the usage of a thing that gives it meaning, not it's origins. So dressing your kids as demons, witches, etc, would be just as wrong on Halloween as any other day.

When you've witnessed what this "holiday" is really all about, there is no going back & closing your eyes...you can't gloss it over anymore.

Yes, every one of our so called Christian holidays come from pagan roots. We even continue to use the original symbols. But halloween has NEVER had anything to do with Jesus, not now, not ever...you cannot spin it to be Godly...even it's neighbor "all saints day" is hard to reconcile with Christianity.
I am not arguing with anyone and I hope it hasn't come across that way.
In earlier posts I mentioned that many things we do have pagan roots and we do them neither to glorify God or satan.
I am not here to say Halloween is right or wrong because I believe it is something between you and God in why and how you celebrate something.
Though this may not be accurate, we were taught in school that Halloween was originated as a day to scare away evil spirits.
I do think that is how it was first celebrated in America.
To us it was just something fun.
I think it is not something we should judge anyone for.

There are many churches that have Halloween parties.
Then there are churches that have Autumn parties.....on Oct. 31 and the kids wear costumes.
Doesn't this really end up being the same thing with a different name?
To the kids it's free candy and dress up day. It's us the parents who turn it into something bad. I don't think I will base my salvation on whether or not I took my kids trick or treating.

Additionally, I have to agree with Jeremiah that Christmas on December 25 has pagan roots. I think that day was originally celebrated as the rise of the fallen son. But with it being called Christmas it gets people to thinking about Jesus. You ask anybody why there is Christmas they will say because of Jesus' birth.
But I don't think if you ask them why there is Halloween is so we can all go out and try to be evil for a night.
When you've witnessed what this "holiday" is really all about, there is no going back & closing your eyes...you can't gloss it over anymore.

I keep hearing this kind of statement from people…but no one seems to be able to tell me what their source(s) are for this position. When I look at the actual history of Halloween, Sanhain, Druids etc. I see nothing about devil worship.

What I do find, however, is a lot of unfounded fear and misinformation within the Christian community regarding this subject. Publishers like Jack Chick feed the fire, and so do a number of poorly researched Christian books on Halloween, witchcraft, Satanism, the occult and spiritual warfare.

I live in a city that has a reputation for being a “center for witchcraft”…but if you actually start chasing the sources for that claim, it all comes down to one single book…which was an outright fraud.

I wish Christians would do their own original research more often instead of just accepting what they find on the net, or at the Christian bookstore. There is so much junk out there under the heading of Christianity that resides on the lunatic fringe…and doesn’t belong on our shelves, let alone incorporated into our belief system.

I think it is a valid point regarding the pagan aspects of most of our holidays.
We celebrate Easter without hesitation…yet the very name of the holiday comes from the goddess Oestre, goddess of fertility…hence all the eggs. I think the issue is what it means to us today, but if we are going to reject something based on its past associations we should at least get our history correct.

I am reminded of Paul’s teaching regarding meat sacrificed to idols…we have freedom as believers in knowing that what we eat does not corrupt spiritually, but for the sake of those without such understanding we should behave in a manner that does not cause others to stumble.

My answer to this is to encourage my fellow believers to act on their own conscience as individuals, but if you are going to share your views on the matter with others be accurately informed.

It is for this reason that I respectfully ask, BEG even, that if are going to state that Halloween is rooted in evil…back up that claim and support your view with more than fear, suspicion or innuendo. Where are the facts, what are your sources? Pretty please with sugar on top.J
No research needed when it comes home to roost. What I witnessed, and had done to me will stay with me forever. So for someone to attempt to discount what is truth is just insulting.

Halloween was & is a holy day for witches, warlocks and the like.

Jack Chick has nothing to do with what my brother was & probably still is doing.
I think my boys will truly enjoy trick or treating. And then we are going to come home read our nightly devotional say our prayers and go to bed.