So Jesus Christ paid for all of the whole sin of the World.
This means everyone has their sins paid for and the payment has been fulfilled.
God fulfilled his promises and Jesus Christ fulfilled his promises, paying for the sin of everyone. God raised his son Jesus Christ up from the dead!
So God is no longer is angry or mad at all people in this world for their mistakes and the things they have done.
God done his part, now it up to people in the world to believe on God and the Lord Jesus Christ, if they desire a relationship when they are persuaded by the faith (God and his Promises, and truth) by grace through the Lord Jesus Christ that is a gift from God.
This transformation must come by and when people start calling out Abba! or Father, when they become and actual child of God, after they decide to turn towards them.
Calling them to come to faith in believing on Him and His Son Jesus Christ who has paid for all sin of all the world!
How great and merciful our God is! How Great are His promises!
God is calling towards all people to come to Him!
This means everyone has their sins paid for and the payment has been fulfilled.
God fulfilled his promises and Jesus Christ fulfilled his promises, paying for the sin of everyone. God raised his son Jesus Christ up from the dead!
So God is no longer is angry or mad at all people in this world for their mistakes and the things they have done.
God done his part, now it up to people in the world to believe on God and the Lord Jesus Christ, if they desire a relationship when they are persuaded by the faith (God and his Promises, and truth) by grace through the Lord Jesus Christ that is a gift from God.
This transformation must come by and when people start calling out Abba! or Father, when they become and actual child of God, after they decide to turn towards them.
Calling them to come to faith in believing on Him and His Son Jesus Christ who has paid for all sin of all the world!
How great and merciful our God is! How Great are His promises!
God is calling towards all people to come to Him!