I have done what you suggested and I hardly ever hear from Him in those times. I talk to Him in those times and stop and keep quiet for a time to just listen, but most times I feel like I am wasting my time doing this because He doesn't speak back. Most of the time I feel like it is a one way conversation and I run out of things to say, so I stop praying. I get frustrated by it sometimes. Do I just need to keep at it and be more disciplined? Why is it so difficult?
Brother, I think most if not all Christians are expecting that when the Lord to speak to them it will be through the same means we speak to another human being by using word sentences to communicate a thought or idea. Sense the Lord lives in eternity, his method of communications is far more advance than what we would normally think. The Lord has been speaking to me for almost 40 years, and I have never had the Lord sit me down and explain anything to me in your normal word structured sentences, like I am using here. It has always been a revelation given to me by the Spirit of God in fraction of a second, and within that brief moment I was given complete understanding of what ever I was asking for or thinking about. Now, if I was going to explain it to you what the Lord said to me in that fraction of a moment, it would require me to use "words", and structured sentences to communicated that to you, and it would take time to do that.
The Lord can and does speak to us by revelation that speaks volumes if we had to share that with other people. Yes, the Lord uses words, but they come after a revelation is given to us.
Many times I tell other Christians to listen to what they speak out of their own mouths, because many times the Lord speaks to us through our own mouth. You can imagine the looks you would get telling people this, but it is true.
Pro 16:1 The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.