

Hi everyone! My name is CLY (Crystal), and I'm glad to be here! I got an invitation and decided to join!

I really like forums 'cause I get to meet new people, particularly brothers and sisters in Christ! I love the way that God has made a way for us to minister to the world and get to know one another better.

So, it's nice meeting you all, and I'll see ya around!

In Christ,

um... hi?

:eek: Sorry, but I'm still kind of learning how to use this site.
Truth be told, I was a member of an anime forum with a similar format before I joined, but then I went to ATF and realized I could be spending my Internet time on something -- or someone:jesus-cross: more valuable.
I found this site yesterday in a Google search and I can't wait to start posting.
Cherry out.
Crystal and Cherry it is a pleasure to make you aquaintance and I look forward to reading your posts!