I'm still new to Christianity so forgive me for not understanding...
whilst I can believe what is written, it's still hard to grasp and one thing that I'm struggling with is that...
I read about Jesus torture at Calvary and image it to be horrible. And then read by Jesus stripes( flogging) that were healed. I feel more disgust that someone could do that to Him. how on earth can I be glad he died to save us from our sins?
I'm finding it hard to understand
How does dying for our sins work anyway?
Via dolarossa
First of all Rejoice because now through Jesus our Christ your future can be intact and you can be made right before God.
Jesus the Righteous one that knew no sin took our sin of our unrighteousness.
So look at it this way, Jesus with our sin and unrighteousness and us with His Righteousness.
It goes back to the day His light went out in the garden, that is the day that Adam and Eve gave into satans trickery of deception and not only brought the curse into this world but also gave the dominion and authority over to satan.
Now to understand all of this, we must rid ourselves of human reasoning and understanding and grasp their are Spiritual Laws in place that God Himself put into being.
We also must understand there is more going on in the Spiritual realm then in our 3D natural realm.
Now since satan became god of this world and had adams authority and held the keys to death, well there was not much hope for any of us to get right before the Father and spend eternity with Him.
But God being Thee All Wise had a plan or strategy of His own to turn this all around and get man back to the place he was created to be.
His plan was Jesus our Christ.
The Father new all along what was going to happen and to put it in a modern day term, He played satan like a 3 dollar fiddle.
satan the master deceiver was Deceived through his greed and goal of being not like God but Thee Most High God.
Here is how God's plan played out.
First realize there is more at stake then just being nailed to the cross. The nailing was the means used to set God's plan into action.
When scripture talks about He gave up the Ghost. He was separated from God, this is known as the second death.
This is when our unrighteousness and sin entered Jesus. It was not a pretty sight and satan thought he had won.
This was done because the Spirit of God or the Holy Spirit can not die nor be found with sin, little know all man's sins.
So what's the importance of this? Hang on and watch God's master plan unfold.
Scripture tells us He suffered our punishment. What punishment would this be? Our punishment of hell. He took our place in Hell.
So now Jesus is just a spirit of man with a twisted sin filled soul. Watch how God's plan unfolds....
Now all hell thought they won. They are Rejoicing in their evil and tormenting Jesus like no one had ever known. They are all there. satan and every imp and demon and wicked power, all gathered in One Place tormenting Jesus and bragging about their victory.
Then at just the right moment, God said enough and God's Spirit began to fill this ugly, defeated twisted spirit filled with all our sin.
Life Returned to Jesus and as Jesus Began to Rise up with the Light of God and I would truly like to have seen the reaction of satan and his cohorts as their plan was now being put to shame. So for me, I am truly going to find Abraham and Elijah once I get home and talk for hours. They were part of the Great Witnesses that saw all this go down.
Anyway, Jesus rose up and began to Fight, He not only won this fight but whooped them good. He stripped satan of what Adam gave him and took back the keys of death and scripture tells us, Jesus paraded them through the streets of hell.
Many say Jesus did not go into hell and paint so many different scenarios but scripture is quite clear on this.
So to stand on His word that by His Stripes we are healed is something Jesus suffered dearly for. See He defeated sickness and diseases as he defeated satan and it all came to pass through His shed Blood for us through the cross. He bore our Victory and Right to be The Redeemed through all that He went through from pilot to hell and back.
So to refuse this is the most utter most unpardonable sin. Rejecting What Christ Did For Us.
When I was studying this I wrote some articles, I don't have the pdf's I made anymore but I will try and find my notes and put something together With The References used.