God love ya my brother, but I am of the belief that our salvation can not be lost.
I say that for many reasons but the first and foremost of those is this..........Since I had NO part in obtaining my salvation, how can I have any part in losing what I did not obtain.???
The Arminian position is correct in saying there are eternal consequences to our actions, that it matters how a person lives, that there should be fruit in a Christian’s life, and that it’s not enough just to have prayed a prayer, repeated some words from a booklet, or walked up an aisle. We are what we DO...not what we say we are. James confirms that by telling us that.................
"Faith without works is dead".
The Calvanist “eternal security” position is correct in saying that salvation is a work of God on our behalf, requiring only our trust in Christ, which itself is empowered by God and not the result of any virtue in us. Salvation does not requiring our good works in the past or the future or the present. If it did, the finished work of Christ would be insufficient, and the doctrine of depravity would be invalid.
Scripture teaches that God is deeply concerned not simply about whether we end up in heaven but how we have served him since becoming Christians, and whether we have earned through those works eternal reward (1 Corinthians 3). The latter passage clarifies that Christians can “suffer loss” in eternity, but that this is not the loss of salvation but reward (“he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames,” 1 Cor. 3:15). However, it is wrong to conclude this is an insignificant loss and all that matters is whether a person is saved. No, for the saved person the loss of eternal rewards is a huge and significant loss, and should be considered by anyone who believes that salvation can be lost.
When I study the Calvanist position - I am often fully convinced that I am safe in Jesus' hands and my salvation is secure, but when I study the Armenian position my convictions are often swayed due to the serious warnings of possible apostacy. I have not taken a position on which is correct but I do know this - If I keep on dedicating my life (salvation is not a once off decision) my life to Christ, crucifying myself daily to the temptations arround me, I know without a doubt that God will never leave me or forsake me. His work within me will be completed. I agree salvation is not based on what we do (works) but it does require a relationship between ourselves and God to enter into His covenant. Good works does not lead to salvation but is rather an outflowing of salvation.