Fish_of_Faith Inactive Jun 20, 2016 #3 Welcome to CFS! It's great to see you here; should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any staff member who would be happy to help.
Welcome to CFS! It's great to see you here; should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any staff member who would be happy to help.
C Cturtle Jun 21, 2016 #4 Welcome to cfs! Congratulations on returning to the church! Blessings of grace and peace be yours in abundance
Welcome to cfs! Congratulations on returning to the church! Blessings of grace and peace be yours in abundance
F Fish Catcher Jim Jun 22, 2016 #5 Nanookadenord said: Hi Everyone. Thank you for allowing me to post on your forums. Click to expand... Welcome and thank you for joining our awesome family here at CFS. Looking forward to the fellowship and remember the staff is here to help Blessings FCJ
Nanookadenord said: Hi Everyone. Thank you for allowing me to post on your forums. Click to expand... Welcome and thank you for joining our awesome family here at CFS. Looking forward to the fellowship and remember the staff is here to help Blessings FCJ