Jesus is always enough His grace is sufficient.
I notice that schools are now floundering and wanting to teach yoga and 'mindfulness' to children as they don't even know how to give them any peace. They want you to close your eyes and imagine you are in some airy fairy illusive world that will hypnotise you into sitting still.
But thing is you can just close your eyes and talk to God. You don't have to imagine Him. He is right there close to you, on your tongue, not far away at all.
With Jesus who is the Word you have the peace that passes all understanding...why would you need anyone else?
I notice that schools are now floundering and wanting to teach yoga and 'mindfulness' to children as they don't even know how to give them any peace. They want you to close your eyes and imagine you are in some airy fairy illusive world that will hypnotise you into sitting still.
But thing is you can just close your eyes and talk to God. You don't have to imagine Him. He is right there close to you, on your tongue, not far away at all.
With Jesus who is the Word you have the peace that passes all understanding...why would you need anyone else?