Holy Spirit? Well it’s pretty sweet stuff ..

Jesus is always enough His grace is sufficient.

I notice that schools are now floundering and wanting to teach yoga and 'mindfulness' to children as they don't even know how to give them any peace. They want you to close your eyes and imagine you are in some airy fairy illusive world that will hypnotise you into sitting still.

But thing is you can just close your eyes and talk to God. You don't have to imagine Him. He is right there close to you, on your tongue, not far away at all.

With Jesus who is the Word you have the peace that passes all understanding...why would you need anyone else?
Jesus is always enough His grace is sufficient.

I notice that schools are now floundering and wanting to teach yoga and 'mindfulness' to children as they don't even know how to give them any peace. They want you to close your eyes and imagine you are in some airy fairy illusive world that will hypnotise you into sitting still.

But thing is you can just close your eyes and talk to God. You don't have to imagine Him. He is right there close to you, on your tongue, not far away at all.

With Jesus who is the Word you have the peace that passes all understanding...why would you need anyone else?

Hi Lanolin;

I hear you, amen! Why would I want to close my eyes, imagine and be hypnotized when at the end this does not give me eternity.

Talk to God. He always reassures and answers us. Eternity with Him is His promise.

God bless you and your family, sister.
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Excellent teaching, Major;

I feel what Via dolarossa is sharing applies to all of us in our walk with Christ. There will be spiritual warfare. 1 Timothy 6:12, 12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Through our daily devotional reading of the Bible and constant prayer, the Lord will empower us with the Holy Spirit to fight against the false deceivers.

Your post ministered to many of us, Major. God bless you and your ministry, brother.

Thank you for the comments my brother.
Something is filling in me...it’s seems like when im full something will be revealed.. I think I’m going out of my mind.

Could be the spirit, but the only time I’ve recognised Him without doubt was when I got saved... but it was not the same slow filling.. dunno it seemed like a rush and it wasn’t me doing it. It had me wake up one morning after giving up on Christianity for months and start reading scripture for hours. That ain’t me folks, I’m telling ya.
We can be saved without the Holy Spirit. The only thing is, its extremely difficult.
We can be saved without the Holy Spirit. The only thing is, its extremely difficult.

God love you my dear brother, I am sure you mean well but what you just posted is very wrong!

A person cannot be saved without the Holy Spirit. You cannot grow as a Christian, and enter into a close personal relationship with Jesus, without the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, He leads us into all truth, He lives in us to lead us to Jesus, He seals us for salvation.

1 Corinthians 12:13 ..........
"For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit."

Titus 3:5 ........
"He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,".

Salvation is impossible without the Holy Spirit. Jesus explained this to Nicodemus in John 3"1-21. Nicodemus, a leader of the Jewish religion, wanted to know what laws he could keep or additional actions he could perform that would guarantee eternal life. Jesus responded that there was nothing Nicodemus could do and that salvation is a work of the Holy Spirit.
What Major says is correct.
I couldn’t have come to Christ on my own...
Who or what it was that pulled me read the bible when I I wasn’t very interested was something supernatural