How can this happen?

The problem I have with people like our fallen pastor here is that they are talking through their hats.
That is to say, they are speaking as if they had the authority or reasoning to be able to speak intelligently on the subject.
One of my main beefs with the modern world is the absurd notion that "everyone is entitled to their opinion, and that all opinions are valid".
Is there any out there honest enough to say "I frankly have no idea" instead of running at the mouth?

If he had even begun to pay attention to the world around him he might have noticed that logically the "world makes no sense whatsoever".
The "problem of sin" is a conundrum that defies logic. The only rational explanation for the reality we see around us every day is that there is something behind the scenes that urges some folks to act in bizarrely evil ways and others to act in wondrously virtuous ways.
He was also doing his absolute best to ignore all the supernatural occurances that pop up on a regular basis.
As Ed Warren said "there are no atheists in a haunted house".
I guess? this is the reason why we should not attribute anyone's salvation to any man. For example: I was saved by Jerry Falwell or MacArthur, even. We are saved by Christ and the Holy SPirit helps us see. But I think to myself, how do the people this guy "saved" (if any) feel now about their faith. As Lance said, it's an individual choice but it has effects on those around us - to leave the path back to God. I classify this guy as a misleader and it is hard not to feel some anger at him. But I do hope he finds his way soon.
I have read many accounts of people who claim to follow God only becoming a preacher for the money. This fella isn't much different. When I hear of someone deciding for themselves that they no longer "believe" then I must come to the conclusion that God never opened their eyes to Him. I cannot begin to understand, let alone explain why God chooses whom He will.
I guess? this is the reason why we should not attribute anyone's salvation to any man. For example: I was saved by Jerry Falwell or MacArthur, even. We are saved by Christ and the Holy SPirit helps us see. But I think to myself, how do the people this guy "saved" (if any) feel now about their faith. As Lance said, it's an individual choice but it has effects on those around us - to leave the path back to God. I classify this guy as a misleader and it is hard not to feel some anger at him. But I do hope he finds his way soon.

Men do not save men Jesus says no one comes to Him less the Father draws them He also says no one comes to the Father except through Me............ This takes man out of the equation ......... at best we are obedient to the prompting of Holy Spirit.

Lord I give this life to You
Present myself a willing vessel
You may live Your life through

@LanceA, I wonder what led you away from the path and what brought you back - if you would divulge? I think we are talking about how can Christians be deceived? Some say we can't be but haven't we all wandered off the path, from time to time? At least to some degree or another? Sometimes I just think we get entranced by the "whistles and bells" that scripture doesn't really validate or confirm. Is it a matter of we just want more than we have already been blessed with? Or is it sometimes we want to find something new - that no one has seen before in scripture. As John MacArthur says (paraphrased) if no one has seen it before, it's because it probably isn't there.
@LanceA, I wonder what led you away from the path and what brought you back - if you would divulge? I think we are talking about how can Christians be deceived? Some say we can't be but haven't we all wandered off the path, from time to time? At least to some degree or another? Sometimes I just think we get entranced by the "whistles and bells" that scripture doesn't really validate or confirm. Is it a matter of we just want more than we have already been blessed with? Or is it sometimes we want to find something new - that no one has seen before in scripture. As John MacArthur says (paraphrased) if no one has seen it before, it's because it probably isn't there.
I had to think about this because it was in the mid 90's when this took place. I think it was a number of things that led up to it. Before anyone asks, I was saved at the time and baptized. I was in the military at the time and had just gone through a divorce and a death of a very good friend. I started questioning why God spared me in the accident and not my atheist friend. I guess I was angry and hurt and most likely blamed it all on God. I've always been interested in my Celtic ancestors so I started reading books about them and learned about the Druids. A friend of mine was into Astral Projection at the time so him and I got into that and one thing led to another where I started taking courses in Druidism. I'd say from 1998 or so I changed over my religious beliefs. I belonged to an organization called Order of Bards Ovates and Druids. I met up with other Pagans that were of different beliefs such as, Wicca, Witches, Shamans etc... I ran Astral Projection groups for the most part and kept my religious studies to myself mostly until I moved to Hawaii. In Hawaii I met up with a woman who studied Wicca and we put together a Pagan study group at Schofield Barracks. It was a mix of pagan beliefs and basically we would perform Full Moon rituals, Sabbaths etc... I'd say around 2003 (when I left the military) I started feeling led back to the Lord but I fought it all the way. I got into more esoteric Christianity (Knights Templar) and was with that organization for a couple of years. We did a lot of Astral Projection and the organization I was with was a bit Gnostic where Mary M. was dual deity with Jesus and the belief they had children together. This was before Dan Browns books came out with this idea. Slowly the Lord led me from this practice and it was around 2012 when I finally gave in to the Lord and asked for forgiveness of all my occult practices and devoted my life to him. I still struggle from time to time when I'm not fully into the Word. I sometimes catch myself going to websites that have to deal with Druidism and such. So I guess that was a short testimony and a long answer for you Silk.
I have "researched" a lot of the occult while basically remaining Christian but I can't say I was a strong or good Christian. My studies in demonology has always put me back onto the path. I still "keep up" with what is going on in the darkness but something I have come late to, understanding the function of the Holy Spirit, that has allowed me to see the fallicy and falseness inherent in many of these practices. This includes looking at practices in other religions as well as practices of some christian denoms. Where I tended to be more tolerant of these practices when I was looking thru only the "I" position - I admit I'm far less tolerant. It frightens me because I see a pattern of darkness and I can see how appealing it is to so many.
I think calling him an idiot is harsh. Where is the love in that comment? I left Christianity for Paganism for ten years. I guess you would have called me an idiot as well. Great way to try and witness to someone or even pray for them.
I agree with you that idiot sounds harsh. Fool sounds better (to me) but means basically the same thing though :confused: Psalm 14:1.
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