Just wanted to make sure I thanked you for your kind words and thoughtsMan you have alot of faith to go through that, I'm glad you're okay

Just wanted to make sure I thanked you for your kind words and thoughtsMan you have alot of faith to go through that, I'm glad you're okay
God has put you with your family to help them. You are thinking of yourself too much. We are dead. The life we live is Christ. Focus on helping your parents to fight less. Bringing your brothers together. Getting everyone to church. When we lose our life for God, we find it. When you feel down think about heaven and how long eternity is. You will be there forever. The frustrating position you in now is only temporary.Sometimes I feel like I'm so weak because I cant stay strong..
I feel my situation is just breaking me down mentally and I'm exhausted...
I live in a hotel with my family of 6, and I'm still in school..im trying to improve myself and my situation by being in school and learning to drive...but my mom is too scared to ride with me and my dad works also so hes usually tired.
We dont have a computer so sometimes I have to take tests on my phone.. I dont have friends...
And my parents fight ..and I'm just silent...taking everything in , trying so hard not to crack ..
My worst fear is going crazy and I've been so stressed BC 1) we've been here 3 years and have yet to move..
2) BC I'm so behind my peers..even though I'm trying...i saw my old coworker today and even she is now driving and still at my old job and working and doing well.. And struggling to get by
3) I feel so depressed that i have to bottle everything up, I have no one to talk to..my brothers do their own thing... My parents too and I'm trying hard not to break..
I'm so anxious that someone can be talking to me and I'm just freaking zoned out..
And I forget things extremely easily ...
I can barely sleep sometimes..
Idk what to do..i pray and that seems to do no good..
I really dont know what to do... I have no one to talk to...my worst fear is going crazy and I feel just being here ..doing this is gonna push me over the edge..
And I still feel that weird presence like something I behind me ...
I just feel like I'm marked for destruction.. I just don't know what I did wrong...
I'm trying to improve my situation,.im nice to alot of people I meet, idk why my life is stagnant... I'm trying to have hope but I feel hopeless..
I dont feel god in my situation, I feel like I'm on my own... So I feel praying wont do any good.
I just feel alone..im trying not to quit on my lit..but its hard when it difficult ..not only that but when your trying and big blocks are in your way...
I'm trying to hang on but my life feels worthless...i literally have no one..
Someone please tell me how to stay strong mentally.! Because I feel that's chipping away.![]()
Hi KJ,God has put you with your family to help them. You are thinking of yourself too much. We are dead. The life we live is Christ. Focus on helping your parents to fight less. Bringing your brothers together. Getting everyone to church. When we lose our life for God, we find it. When you feel down think about heaven and how long eternity is. You will be there forever. The frustrating position you in now is only temporary.
As I have said before I firmly believe God is putting all His children through '''extra''' frustrations these days as they are the last days. His last chance to help us get rewards in heaven.
Hi KJ,
How does that work? This God putting extra frustrations on His people to help them get rewards in heaven.
What do you base this on? See sir I have not ever heard this before so I would be thankful if you could show me in His word where this is.
Thanks my friend.
Hey Kj I will respond a little later today but unail then bro, could you start a new thread for me on this topic so neither of us gets accused of hi jacking Pancakes thread ?!!We are on earth for two reasons Jim. 1. To do His will and 2. To grow closer to Him.
As I have said before, it is impossible to grow closer to someone if everything is ''perfect''. I have discussed this at length on other sites. This site still needs this discussion (specifically the 'impossibility')![]()
. What are your thoughts? You believe the love you have for your wife will increase if you don't see her stick with you through tough times?
No its fine ..you guys can talk about this..itw an interesting concept and I can lead alot from it.Hey Kj I will respond a little later today but unail then bro, could you start a new thread for me on this topic so neither of us gets accused of hi jacking Pancakes thread ?!!
Please and thanks Kj
Thanks this is very encouraging...i just need to keep my cool and build endurance.Hi @pancakes how ya do in today?
As I was praying for you the other night, I felt led to go and write down this Word from the Lord and share it with you and anyone else that may read this and has gone or is going through something similar to what you are. I pray it resonates huge in your spirit, and speaks to you.
Abundant kingdom blessings to you! And praying for God to supernaturally provide you and your family with a house of your own and a computer for you.
2016 prophetic Word
I know saith the Lord, more than you know, about what you've been through. There were times when it was soooo difficult for you to keep from just throwing your hands up, just give up and quit. I know that saith the Lord, I was there. And sometimes it didn't seem like I was there but I was there...I was there. I was the one that didn't let you quit. I was the one down in there deep, deeper than you ever knew you had. I was the one in there at the moment you just said, I've had this, I don't need this, I'm done with this glory to God, but just, but then, we'll yea, but well no I can't quit, what's the matter with me I can't quit. He said I was the one scratching at ya down there in the inside cuz I knew then and I know now that you're bigger than you think you are, your more powerful than you know you are because you see you thought you failed you thought this is it, I've just done it again, I've just flopped again, here I am Lord. No....you didn't quit, your still here. You don't know how victorious you really are, because you couldn't see all that was arrayed against ya like I could. You have no idea the forces that Satan put together trying to get you out of his way. You see, your very important to the devil. he hates you, you are dangerous to his affairs and all that he has planned, and he has no defense for what is on the inside of you. Because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. So rejoice and again I say rejoice.... aha for the best is yet to come, and Heaven has it written down that you won the battle, you stood the test and now the good stuff happens Glory to God.
Thanks this is very encouraging...i just need to keep my cool and build endurance.
Thanks this is very encouraging...i just need to keep my cool and build endurance.
Yeah, I definitely need to take it one day at as time.I am learning to take it one day at a time. It helps to keep me from being overwhelmed. And if I trip over the monkey wrench the devil throws at me, then I repent and accept God's forgiveness. Then I forgive myself and I remember that His mercies are new every morning.
So will I. Blessing to you sis and my God's peace and comfort be found in you. If you need an ear, I am here. AmenThe best thing that I can tell you, is to begin to find things to be thankful for. Even if it's toilet paper and toothpaste. That's what I had to learn to do. Being in difficult situations is not easy. In fact for someone who is not strong (I do believe you are very strong) the weight of what some of us go through can crush some. Yet glory to God you are still hanging in there.
I know it's difficult, but somehow when your parents are fighting..get yourself out of the midst of it. Go for a walk or something. Youndont need to allow your mind to be filled with their stuff. They are old enough to work through things, and all your taking it in is not healthy or prosperous for you. Probably one reason why you have difficulty sleeping sometimes. Your allowing yourself to be like a sponge, and if you don't make some changes you will not be able to move forward in life. Alot of the anxiety and stress is due to your allowing your situation to get to you. I'm not saying this situation is your fault, and anyone in your position would be feeling the stress. But now is the time for you to begin to rise above.
Begin by reading Deuteronomy 28: 1-14, and also read Isaiah 54. Allow what God says to tell you who you are, no matter what your situation is looking like or apearing to be. Faith is the only thing that is going to bring you up.
Get scriptures like ps 113:7-8 and galatians 4:7 and Habakkuk 3:17-18....and allow those verses to bring hope. Read Ruth...and put yourself in her place, encouraging yourself that as God did for her He wants and WILL do for you. But honestly faith, or spy believing is part of the key. I know that it's hard to trust when your experience tells you different but as Matthew 6:30 says God cares so wonderfully for the wildflowers..he will certainly care for you (nlt).
King David had to do this as well...he had to encourage himself in the Lord. Yet he had no Bible (ps 103, 104) he said bless the Lord oh my soul. And as younread.the psalms allow the praise coming out of your mouth to get into your ears to build your faith.
I know you don't know me very well...but anytime you need an ear, shoot me a pm and I will do everything I can to encourage you. And you can feel free to tell me if you don't want my thoughts, just needing an ear to listen.
Always praying for you
Thank youSo will I. Blessing to you sis and my God's peace and comfort be found in you. If you need an ear, I am here. Amen
..I'm still in school...