How Do We Withdraw From News Politics Yet Stay Informed?


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Last week my wife and I attended our 3rd annual get together with our childhood friends in San Diego. I shared with a couple of brothers in Christ that I had to withdraw from the daily updates of news media coverage regarding the election. It began to embed anger within me from the polarization and hatred of political parties that overshadow the current news within our nation and overseas.

I put on my Christian hat of a peace, love, dove attitude but this fell short within myself and the anger would linger. So I simply turned off the TV news channels, news internet including the overload of news on YouTube. I have to be honest but immediately and after two weeks the anger subsided, tremendously.

I know God will make a way for me to remain informed of what's happening on the national and world stage as well as our Presidential election in November without all the yellow journalism. To me, it's at it's worst in these times.

Then I remember reading in 2 Samuel how God subdued David which made him a great king while leading an Israel nation with great structure and staff. How I would love to live this national life.

2 Samuel 8:15-18, 15 So David reigned over all Israel. And David administered justice and equity to all his people. 16 Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the army, and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder, 17 and Zadok the son of Ahitub and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar were priests, and Seraiah was secretary, 18 and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the Cherethites and the Pelethites, and David's sons were priests. - ESV

I've surrendered this problem to God, and to borrow from the Moody Blues' 1970 song Question, "Because the truth is hard to swallow. That's what the war of love is for." is what I declare by incessant prayer.

We / I all have work to do for the kingdom and am grateful my peace and calm returned two weeks ago. I don't know if my remedy is the correct steps but in my prayers I'll ask the Lord to guide me, keep me informed of the happenings of the world so I also know how to pray for everyone.

God bless you all.
the only problem with the news you get what they want you to hear i know Christians whose t.v plays the news for hours on. it dont hurt to listen/ read the news. its allowing it to control us we should be concerned i seen a news clip of 2 mo senate candidates at the mo state fair. going at it face to face . arguing over debates and issues. its good way for the flesh to come in.. how soon they forget they are supposed to be professionals
Last week my wife and I attended our 3rd annual get together with our childhood friends in San Diego. I shared with a couple of brothers in Christ that I had to withdraw from the daily updates of news media coverage regarding the election. It began to embed anger within me from the polarization and hatred of political parties that overshadow the current news within our nation and overseas.

I put on my Christian hat of a peace, love, dove attitude but this fell short within myself and the anger would linger. So I simply turned off the TV news channels, news internet including the overload of news on YouTube. I have to be honest but immediately and after two weeks the anger subsided, tremendously.

I know God will make a way for me to remain informed of what's happening on the national and world stage as well as our Presidential election in November without all the yellow journalism. To me, it's at it's worst in these times.

Then I remember reading in 2 Samuel how God subdued David which made him a great king while leading an Israel nation with great structure and staff. How I would love to live this national life.

2 Samuel 8:15-18, 15 So David reigned over all Israel. And David administered justice and equity to all his people. 16 Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the army, and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder, 17 and Zadok the son of Ahitub and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar were priests, and Seraiah was secretary, 18 and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the Cherethites and the Pelethites, and David's sons were priests. - ESV

I've surrendered this problem to God, and to borrow from the Moody Blues' 1970 song Question, "Because the truth is hard to swallow. That's what the war of love is for." is what I declare by incessant prayer.

We / I all have work to do for the kingdom and am grateful my peace and calm returned two weeks ago. I don't know if my remedy is the correct steps but in my prayers I'll ask the Lord to guide me, keep me informed of the happenings of the world so I also know how to pray for everyone.

God bless you all.
Bob, I've stopped habitually tuning in or reading news, but from time to time, I watch the CBN news and 700 Club. There is some edification in their content unlike the mainstream satanic sources.
Every morning, while I am waking up and getting through my first cup of Joe, I do a quick look at the top three local news sources (Channel 6, 7, and 10). I do it to see if there is any school related news coverage that might impact by day when I get to the office.

Aside from that, it's all Trump (this cycle appears to be about his comments about Medal of Honor recipients), the war between the military service records of both VPs, the Israel/Hamas war, and Jordan Chiles' Olympic medal.

I have already entered the "pay little to no attention" mode. I will re-surface shortly on election day and, depending on who ends up in the White House, might go into hibernation for another four years. I do; however, enjoy watching the BBC.
***** BIG SIGH****** .... the world of RIGHT FIGHTERS is EXHAUSTING. I have just dealt with that last week and ended a friendship.
The RHETORIC is mind-boggling to me.

bobinfaith I watch dog videos... HAHA.... they make me very happy.
I track Financial news due to stock trading.
This gives me near zero political commentary, and pretty much no drama, or mainstream media spins.
You might be surprised how much Financial news tells us the facts.
Is it perfect no. But I wont hear much of anything from politicians, or rouge sources.
I know when there is issues in the middle east, because of what it does financially.
But I am not subjected to humanities cruel and evil displays.
I know what avoid and build a barrier around myself.
I have blocked microsoft and google from my PC so I am not getting influencing adds. In Bing and Google can only access the
internet if I allow it. I am aware that data is used to customize my web experience so I block most of it.
Microsoft is trenched deep in our OS's we use and it gets zero access which seems to limit as well other stories.
So finance is all I truly get, and yet it tells me everything I want to know world wide.
There are no news. There is only influence.
"Influence" or "Opinion?"

I'm thinking more opinion, but I think one results in the other.

The simple stuff is easy: Who won the game, what the temp will be tomorrow, and that 4.5 earthquake. Everything else requires access to independent information which most of us to not have and that's when we confuse opinion for fact.
Bob, I've stopped habitually tuning in or reading news, but from time to time, I watch the CBN news and 700 Club. There is some edification in their content unlike the mainstream satanic sources.
There are no news. There is only influence.
"Influence" or "Opinion?" I'm thinking more opinion, but I think one results in the other. The simple stuff is easy: Who won the game, what the temp will be tomorrow, and that 4.5 earthquake. Everything else requires access to independent information which most of us to not have and that's when we confuse opinion for fact.

I strongly believe as Christians we must stay informed of the world stage so we know how to pray for them.

1 Timothy 2:1-4, 1 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way. 3 This is good, and it is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. - RSV

I do enjoy a good time like anyone else, and can take advantage of the internet and get the box scores to a ball game, listen to the good preacher's message or enjoy a good song. But I also see both influence and opinion, kind of like the Pied Piper misleading the people to more and more immoral thinking as a society.

Good journalism has been replaced with drowning, commentary opinion reporters and where this has gone has left me uninterested, but my weakness has been my reaction to it.

BibleLover did bring up the CBN News (Christian Broadcasting Network) and the 700 Club. I may give these stations a listen to.

God bless everyone.

Good journalism has been replaced with drowning, commentary opinion reporters and where this has gone has left me uninterested, but my weakness has been my reaction to it.
reaction is what it should be when its moral wrong study the issues see what the candidate supports . if it does line up with your morals vote them out . watch the news just dont let it control you
Bob, I've stopped habitually tuning in or reading news, but from time to time, I watch the CBN news and 700 Club. There is some edification in their content unlike the mainstream satanic sources.
reaction is what it should be when its moral wrong study the issues see what the candidate supports . if it does line up with your morals vote them out . watch the news just dont let it control you

Good morning;

Thank you, forgiven, I'm still feeling good about turning off all news media that I described earlier. What you suggested is correct by being current with world affairs so I know how to pray.

Thank you, BibleLover, my wife and I began watching CBN / TBN and it has been a refreshing change. It has a mixture of sermons and informative news.

God bless everyone.

Good morning;

Thank you, forgiven, I'm still feeling good about turning off all news media that I described earlier. What you suggested is correct by being current with world affairs so I know how to pray.

Thank you, BibleLover, my wife and I began watching CBN / TBN and it has been a refreshing change. It has a mixture of sermons and informative news.

God bless everyone.

Hi Bob,

God`s word tells us what has & is and will happen, so I keep that in mind. The rest, well it is just man on his slippery slope to judgment. And personally I believe that we, believers need to know more of what God IS doing and search His word and pray for enlightenment.
Last week my wife and I attended our 3rd annual get together with our childhood friends in San Diego. I shared with a couple of brothers in Christ that I had to withdraw from the daily updates of news media coverage regarding the election. It began to embed anger within me from the polarization and hatred of political parties that overshadow the current news within our nation and overseas.

I put on my Christian hat of a peace, love, dove attitude but this fell short within myself and the anger would linger. So I simply turned off the TV news channels, news internet including the overload of news on YouTube. I have to be honest but immediately and after two weeks the anger subsided, tremendously.

I know God will make a way for me to remain informed of what's happening on the national and world stage as well as our Presidential election in November without all the yellow journalism. To me, it's at it's worst in these times.

Then I remember reading in 2 Samuel how God subdued David which made him a great king while leading an Israel nation with great structure and staff. How I would love to live this national life.

2 Samuel 8:15-18, 15 So David reigned over all Israel. And David administered justice and equity to all his people. 16 Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the army, and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder, 17 and Zadok the son of Ahitub and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar were priests, and Seraiah was secretary, 18 and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the Cherethites and the Pelethites, and David's sons were priests. - ESV

I've surrendered this problem to God, and to borrow from the Moody Blues' 1970 song Question, "Because the truth is hard to swallow. That's what the war of love is for." is what I declare by incessant prayer.

We / I all have work to do for the kingdom and am grateful my peace and calm returned two weeks ago. I don't know if my remedy is the correct steps but in my prayers I'll ask the Lord to guide me, keep me informed of the happenings of the world so I also know how to pray for everyone.

God bless you all.
Bob the political realm does encompass many things from doctrine, prophecy and spirituality and sometimes much gibberish. Always elevate with scripture. In Matthew 24: 42-43 our Lord did say always WATCH. It cost you nothing to look. there be no harm in looking. But yes it is sometimes good to have a little rest. But I’m sure you’ll be Back fully rejuvenated before the November 7th election . Vote wisely 🇺🇸
Hi Bob,
God`s word tells us what has & is and will happen, so I keep that in mind. The rest, well it is just man on his slippery slope to judgment. And personally I believe that we, believers need to know more of what God IS doing and search His word and pray for enlightenment.
Bob the political realm does encompass many things from doctrine, prophecy and spirituality and sometimes much gibberish. Always elevate with scripture. In Matthew 24: 42-43 our Lord did say always WATCH. It cost you nothing to look. there be no harm in looking. But yes it is sometimes good to have a little rest. But I’m sure you’ll be Back fully rejuvenated before the November 7th election . Vote wisely 🇺🇸

Good morning, Marilyn and Prim90;

One of my everyday news watch is Sky News Australia. I've been following their team for 4 years.

During the last 4 weeks I've been at peace and haven't felt the deep, imbedded anger
aroused toward the political stage.

I do need to remain informed so I know how to pray for the unrest in the world. I'm always encouraging others to take a step back when things get intense and perhaps this break will refresh me.

God bless you, sisters, and for the work the Lord is doing in you.
My father in law. Pretty much watches news all day long on a popular network.
And he has a pretty sour view on certain subjects.
Its hard when people over indulge in media. Because when I go over there.
I often end up hearing the news I never intended to watch :D :rolleyes:
My father in law. Pretty much watches news all day long on a popular network.
And he has a pretty sour view on certain subjects.
Its hard when people over indulge in media. Because when I go over there.
I often end up hearing the news I never intended to watch :D :rolleyes:
The more one watches the news media, the more effectively they can control the viewers and shape their thoughts, opinions, and worldviews to the point where the viewers no longer remember what they used to think and believe. The media has become much worse now than it was under Nazi and communist propagandists. Half a century ago no one would have believed that American news outlets would outdo Joseph Goebbels and Joseph Stalin in the art of lying and perverting information.