How Do We Withdraw From News Politics Yet Stay Informed?

The more one watches the news media, the more effectively they can control the viewers and shape their thoughts, opinions, and worldviews to the point where the viewers no longer remember what they used to think and believe. The media has become much worse now than it was under Nazi and communist propagandists. Half a century ago no one would have believed that American news outlets would outdo Joseph Goebbels and Joseph Stalin in the art of lying and perverting information.
I remember reading back in the day of the telegraph.
They would embellish and create false stories, as most towns were hundreds of miles or way more from the source of the story.
So they back then could effect election, and events from thousands of miles away.
The Nazis perfected the manipulation of people on a vast scale. I find it troubling. Not even 100 years later and we are walking right smack into the same. But as you put it, the scale is unimaginable. I just remember as a kid the Dr. telling you smoking was good. And then the Tobacco companies knew it was bad. Yet.... Living this long the stuff I have seen take place I could right a book.
I prefer to not watch the news. Just avoid it,
The media has become much worse now than it was under Nazi and communist propagandists
They have learnt well and how to manipulate the masses over the years. In ‘69 I took a ‘behavioral psychology class, back then besides the old Pavlov dog routine, they were determining which colors attracted shoppers and came up with the color ’red’ (think Target). They did this through cameras watching the amount of dilation of the pupils when presented various colors. (Camera technology was still crude at the time)
What I have noticed is that the mainstream media going back to the late 1970's with Morning shows and similar style.
Was that behavior would be discussed that was taboo up to that point. But acted as precursor to allowing previously
in inappropriate behavior, to sneak its way into the airwaves on our TVs.
If we watch the news today. We see the same pattern. Push it on the news, see if there is backlash then make it prime time.
And it really doesn't matter the topic per say. They seem to use mass media to ready us for the next SIN they show openly violated on tv.

I remember there was a Episode in StarTrek TNG, Picard is told to say there are 5 lights when there was only four.
It was a very disturbing but at the time probably over looked at how easy under discomfort we just comply.
We see this in our schools and even some churches where complying is easier.

I have to believe reality today is subjective to what ever cognitive soup they want me to eat, and just tell me it taste good.
When its actually, dirt and water.
The more one watches the news media, the more effectively they can control the viewers and shape their thoughts, opinions, and worldviews to the point where the viewers no longer remember what they used to think and believe. The media has become much worse now than it was under Nazi and communist propagandists. Half a century ago no one would have believed that American news outlets would outdo Joseph Goebbels and Joseph Stalin in the art of lying and perverting information.
They have learnt well and how to manipulate the masses over the years. In ‘69 I took a ‘behavioral psychology class, back then besides the old Pavlov dog routine, they were determining which colors attracted shoppers and came up with the color ’red’ (think Target). They did this through cameras watching the amount of dilation of the pupils when presented various colors. (Camera technology was still crude at the time)

I remember reading back in the day of the telegraph. They would embellish and create false stories, as most towns were hundreds of miles or way more from the source of the story. So they back then could effect election, and events from thousands of miles away. The Nazis perfected the manipulation of people on a vast scale. I find it troubling. Not even 100 years later and we are walking right smack into the same. But as you put it, the scale is unimaginable. I just remember as a kid the Dr. telling you smoking was good. And then the Tobacco companies knew it was bad. Yet.... Living this long the stuff I have seen take place I could right a book. I prefer to not watch the news. Just avoid it,

I rest my case. I knew there was a reason I was getting imbedded anger from today's news "opinionators" instead of journalists.

I was so innocently naive growing up when Walter Cronkite and The Huntley–Brinkley Report were the main news stations we watched in our house growing up. But from reading your posts this lying and fabricating has been going on for a century plus!

What boggles my mind is the news counts on ratings instead of reporting the Truth, they hire the best fabricators that can convince and deceive the voter, the informed and the prayer warriors.

Meantime, I'm enjoying relative peace in my home while relying on my new viewership with stations like CBN, TBN, International Fellowship of Christians and Jews to provide me world current affairs so when I go into prayer I feel I'm praying truthful requests to the Lord.