How do you endure the valley periods in your life?It's always easy to be of great faith when things are great but how do you make it through when EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING (career-wise,family,relationships,friendship,financial issues and anything else you can think of!) goes south? We all know what we are suppose to do but its always easier said than done.
We know we are suppose to remain faithful,read our bibles and pray. That is all easily done in the beginning, but as days turn into months....months into did you survive and not grow weary?
For me, I pray ,read ,pray a lot more and read all with great enthusiasm. But in the middle of it and towards the end of it...this is usually me...
Is that normal? Or it is just me :/
We know we are suppose to remain faithful,read our bibles and pray. That is all easily done in the beginning, but as days turn into months....months into did you survive and not grow weary?
For me, I pray ,read ,pray a lot more and read all with great enthusiasm. But in the middle of it and towards the end of it...this is usually me...

Is that normal? Or it is just me :/