But does he? Most American preaching is unscriptural. Another gospel of no effect.
Not even the most fundamental most essential commandment to be water baptized by full immersion.
A display of initial obedience and submission to the Word and the commandment of Jesus himself.
Feel good preaching along with praise and worship music will not convert an unbeliever to the truth, the need to be able
to worship the Father in Spirit and in truth.
Just because a brother sees scripture in a different way does not mean they are false Christians, or false teachers. Each of us views the scripture in the framework of our own experiences as the Holy Spirit leads us.
Knowing what you believe, knowing the scriptural basis for those beliefs, and feeling confident is good. But, I enjoy many discussions with contrasting points of view. I do not make the mistake assuming that another viewpoint is necessarily unscriptural.
Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians Chapter 13:
9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part;
10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.
11 When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.
12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. (NASB)
None of us know the full Truth. We must wait upon the establishment of His Kingdom, at which time we will know the Truth as intimately as He has known us all along. Undoubtedly there are things I am mistaken about. If I knew what they were and were convinced of an alternative view, my view would change. Until that happens, please be patient with me.
One preacher that had a great influence in me once pointed out that one definition of blasphemy is to attribute the works of God to Satan, or to attribute the works of Satan to God. He then discussed how members of the congregation were deriding churches that baptized differently, or held contrasting views concerning the charismatic gifts. He then said that whatever the differences in doctrine are, Christ was working in those congregations. He then repeated his definition of blasphemy and looked around the congregation very sternly.
As far as baptism by immersion is concerned, I am pleased to have been baptized in a manner that symbolizes the death, burial and resurrection and thus recognizes that I am spiritually a new being. But, I do not term sprinkling to be disobedient. I do not understand infant baptism, but then my spiritual upbringing has not been in that tradition.
Although I find that television preaching lacks the fellowship and Christian interaction that is part of worship, I do not term them unscriptural.
Being saved is not dependent upon correct doctrine. It is dependent upon the Lord's sacrifice, and simple individual belief in that, not only as simple truth, but resulting in my being His creature. This is not one of the things I might be wrong about.
We need to be known for the way we love one another.