Here is what it feels like when I pray. I think while I do housework, when I walk, when I run or cycle. I think about family members, for instance, and ways that they need help beyond their capabilities. I think of their futile attempts, and then I start talking to God about them. I know I can do this because I know God lives in me, and He said He would never leave us or forsake us (Heb. 13: 5). I believe this just like I believe my daughter is pregnant with their second child. I also believe I can come to Him any time, and He will hear me with gladness. I never go to Him hesitantly, like I'm bothering Him, or He's annoyed with me. And it's like being on the phone with a close friend, except that with God, He has all the time in the world to listen to me, and He is always there. I don't disconnect, and even when we are done, I know He doesn't go away, but is still there for me. I speak to Him with a grateful attitude, that He has made it possible for me to have this close an access to Him, the Creator of the Universe. I lay out my concerns for my family, and pray that God help them see, or understand, or whatever else it is, and I tell Him why I know they need His help. I speak with ease and expression, like I would talk to a friend. True, we don't go back and forth for my human ears to hear, as I would with another human, and I don't expect that. But I know this is God I'm talking to, and I am convinced He keeps His promises, whether I "feel" anything or not. I am honored that He loves me so much. I see evidence in my own attitude, my own daily routine, and in my children's lives, that tells me that God listens to me.