I agree w/ this, I remeber asking my aunt how to love others the way God does, and to do that, your reltionship has to be extremely close w/ God so he can pour his love in and through you, and I think when they see that love, his love coming from you, they'll be attracted to himLive your life filled with the Love of God. Let Him work through you.
And when people ask you why you're different, you can tell them.
You're not forcing God on them, you're showing them the God who loves them and sent His Son to die for them.
Oh, and don't forget to pray that the Spirit will soften their hearts and open their eyes and ears to accept the message.

Juwst keep praying, and like one user said, don't be overly spiritual, bc I agree they will think we are nuts , or more popularly "brain washed" just be yourself, live by the ten commands and I think once they see that you're a true christian (which is probably less than 5% now and days XD ) actually follow God's commands , and do the show not tell approach, that they'll take it more seriously

good luck.