@Mykuhl I'm right there with ya... we all are. There comes a time in our maturity in Christ where we have to decide to surrender all - it's why I chose my avatar name and site name - to remind me we're really not in control so why not surrender to the One Who is in control. We don't like losing control because we see men do evil to us when we do. It's the experiences of life. We may surrender to our parents because we think they have our best interest at heart, but then we form our own opinions and that goes away. We fail too, so then to whom are we to trust? (I speak all in the flesh) The Spirit cries "Come!" Letting go of things is a natural process and a calling of the Lord to surrender it all to Him. He will not fail. He loves us, died for us, and wants the very best for us, but we need to choose life, His life, and stay there. The choice is a moment-by-moment choice. He died for us, who better to keep our charge?
Blessing brother!
Good post! Thanks for encouraging me too!
Shortly after The very first time that God showed me that i needed to let go and surrender....i was hiding in my walk in closet, because i felt as if i had no footing....for all of "my rules" were what kept me in control since i was little. And in the flesh i was scared and not sure how to walk in God's ways....mainly because i did not fully know what God's ways were. And i had no idea how to meditate on God's Word, or what it even meant. That was about 12 years ago.