When God "said" in gen 1, the "Word" was brought forth and it was by the "Word" all things were created.
Actually in Gen 1 it says GOD created.
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
It was in John 1 that LOGOS was tied into things...
And it says, all things that came into being came into being THROUGH Him. Not by Him, and that is a relevant distinction. It shows the separation aspect of the Trinity.
So, Jesus was 100% man in the flesh and 100% God in the Spirit. (Rom 1:3-5)
He wasn't in the flesh at creation, no. BUT it is TRUE JEsus was both together AND separate with God. But, Jesus came much later than creation. Until Mary's womb, He was the Word, which is separate from the Jesus of Mary's Womb incarnation, else he would have been, not became manifest. Today, a lot of people have a tendency to put them together and leave them which idolizes Jesus, which requires some creativity to do, but is managed.
i have to go to work/church now, so i'll finish this later.
But, of course i KNOW God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, and is the ONLY ONE who is or can be.
So, it seems we agree on most, I"m not so sure why the trinity part came into the chat, but you can clear that up.
So if God is omnipotent then we agree the only reason the blood of Christ does anything for us at all, is God said it would be that way, and not that the Blood does a thing. Right?