I am Sam

I am Sam


Me and my dad just watched I am Sam the other night--it was AMAZING!!!!!! I was profoundly-moved by Sean Penn's character---he was soooooooo full of God's Love and Purity that it just melts your heart! Dakota Fanning was terrific(as ALWAYS) and Michelle Phieffer deserved an Oscar at the least--she TOTALLY out-did herself in the role.
The story follows(if you haven't ALREADY seen it, that is..) a partially-retarded individual (played by Sean Penn) who's daughter Lucy(played by Fanning) is being taken away from him due to the courts' belief that he is an inadequate-parent. OFCOURSE there is much more to the film that, but my descriptions are always flawed---sorry.
Lucy's love and abounding-acceptance of her less-than-perfect father is in a nutshell---exquisite and by-far the most endearing thing I have ever seen from a small-child onscreen. The movie deserves 15 out of 10 peanut m & m's!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sincerely, Your Sister In Christ, Sable