The word "pride" and "proud" are mentioned a total of nearly 100 times in the Bible. For the sake of not making this post too long I will tell you what I know of it. Pride makes you feel that others are out to get you, that you can't be critiqued or corrected by others (not to be mistaken with a fool), feeling that you need to be heard first and loudest, mean jokes, arrogant looks, not considering others, speaking down to people, feeling inferior but never letting it be seen, hurt first, never let them do 'that' again, self-preservation, etc., etc. Pride is a natural part of our nature but for some it is the monster that speaks for you.
Jesus had more of a reason to be proud than any person who has ever lived. He had it all in Heaven and is literally God! He gave it all up for us and I believe we can all agree that we got the better part of that offer. I didn't create myself and really have nothing to be proud of. I don't want to make posts like this because 'what if they judge me'. It is not easy to be humbled or everyone would be doing it. It isn't easy to be a Christian or there would be no one in Hell. The one who assesses himself often assesses wrong but what I am hearing in the feedback that I am getting is that I have got some issues that need to be addressed and this is a good place to do it.
Thank you to each and every one of you who have said a prayer for me. If we do not know the struggles our brothers and sisters are facing then we never know how to pray for them. Feel free to PM me anytime and I will be glad to offer you any assistance I can or just pray for you. We may be strangers on this forum but we will be well acquainted in Heaven very soon. To those who do not battle the sin of pride I am proud of you.
Romans 12:16 (NASB) "Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation."
The word "pride" and "proud" are mentioned a total of nearly 100 times in the Bible. For the sake of not making this post too long I will tell you what I know of it. Pride makes you feel that others are out to get you, that you can't be critiqued or corrected by others (not to be mistaken with a fool), feeling that you need to be heard first and loudest, mean jokes, arrogant looks, not considering others, speaking down to people, feeling inferior but never letting it be seen, hurt first, never let them do 'that' again, self-preservation, etc., etc. Pride is a natural part of our nature but for some it is the monster that speaks for you.
Jesus had more of a reason to be proud than any person who has ever lived. He had it all in Heaven and is literally God! He gave it all up for us and I believe we can all agree that we got the better part of that offer. I didn't create myself and really have nothing to be proud of. I don't want to make posts like this because 'what if they judge me'. It is not easy to be humbled or everyone would be doing it. It isn't easy to be a Christian or there would be no one in Hell. The one who assesses himself often assesses wrong but what I am hearing in the feedback that I am getting is that I have got some issues that need to be addressed and this is a good place to do it.
Thank you to each and every one of you who have said a prayer for me. If we do not know the struggles our brothers and sisters are facing then we never know how to pray for them. Feel free to PM me anytime and I will be glad to offer you any assistance I can or just pray for you. We may be strangers on this forum but we will be well acquainted in Heaven very soon. To those who do not battle the sin of pride I am proud of you.

Romans 12:16 (NASB) "Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation."
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