Ban, nothing was said that cannot be read in history books. Jesus came to bear witness of the truth, and so should Christians. I have Catholic in laws. My wife is an ex-Catholic. I help poor Catholics in my wife's country. Because I love Catholics, I must bear witness to them concerning those things that are true. No one can say I have said anything rude or hateful to anyone on this thread. Catholic and Protestant doctrine concerning salvation are not the same. One can be wrong about many things, but to be wrong on salvation is fatal. No Bible believer can encourage a person down a road of possible soul destroying error. It's your website, not mine, and you are free to do as you deem right. But deleting my post and suppressing truth is wrong.
Thing is though, it's the truth as you have interpreted it to be. There is no need to bear witness to me, I have been Catholic, protestant and now I am back to the Catholic church after 25 years of wandering, including 5 years being protestant.
Those five years of being a protestant, I was adrift, not being able to find my church home, causing my wife much pain because I couldn't find our church home. Now that I have come back to the catholic church, I feel at home, I feel peace and have been given God's peace. I no longer feel adrift. I feel like my roots have finally started to take hold.
I am not wrong on salvation. I have never been so sure of my salvation till this past weekend. To be able to say that and not have any anxiety is amazing.
There should be much rejoicing because I have finally found God, not dismay because of a dislike for a particular denomination.