Brother, you REALLY put your finger squarely on what I have observed so many times. The programmatic approach to the gathering will almost always stifle spontaneity and any organic expression of Christ as the Head over all, shoving Him out of the limelight into the side-shadows of importance so that "the show must go on."
It's interesting how in the times of Christ in the flesh on this earth, He went to the synagogues and stood up to read, which indicates that the local leadership didn't control, with an iron fist, against the allowance for the average, literate Jewish man to stand up, read in turn, and expound upon what was read. That speaks of a level of community that simply doesn't exist in modern traditions that date all the way back into the RCC and its priesthood -centric model of the program that magnifies the religious pageantry of ceremony. The god of order is magnified FAR beyond its mention in the scriptures. Most equate "order" with "program," as if the latter were God-breathed rather than man-made.
Wow. A dear sister in the Lord mentioned to me the other day how she so loves the "fellowship" of the services in her "church" of choice in the city. Rather than to challenge her sensibilities, I simply asked about the layout of the place, and she described it as the usual arrangement of chairs hooked together in rows, with everyone looking at the backs of other people's heads like any other audience form.
I held my peace given that she was/is so enthralled with her experiences there with their rock band, theatrics and all the other mumbo jumbo that she described. It's sad that she and so many like her know nothing about true, genuine, biblical fellowship. Most people shy away from that true form because of its inherent dangers to secret sins and lack of any real knowledge about the Bible due to surface, shallow studies on the part of most professing believers.
Thanks for sharing. Love you, bro.
I love you too, brother MM;
It's sad but the plain truth is America has so much work ahead in the Disciplined Truth in His temples. We also don't get to decide how much time. But we can praise God for the Worship Gatherings that remain obedient to what God wants from us, not what we prefer.
In the meantime, we can also pray for the continued work in India. Their Christian Missions have a heavy load on their plates.
By the way, Hazel read this thread and sends her love to you and your wife.
God bless you, brother.