im new
my name is silvana (22 years old) and im from argentina. i received jesus christ as my savior at the age of 17 years old. i used to drink , smoke , i was one of the popular girls, had the status, the friends, everything, i was having the``fun´´ but when i lean my head on my pillow i was completely empty and not happy, something was missing,nothing sastifys me i didnt know was that until my family started to assits on a church , i was invite to every reunion or service , in one of the service i realize what was that i was looking for! God. i learnt what he did about me , his tremendous love , mercy and faithfulness . only God can and must fill tthat part of me that was hollow. i accepted jesus christ as my savior and my friend and i ask forgiveness for my sins. since that day im completely with peace and confident. well i hope to meet at all through this forum
God bless you!
my name is silvana (22 years old) and im from argentina. i received jesus christ as my savior at the age of 17 years old. i used to drink , smoke , i was one of the popular girls, had the status, the friends, everything, i was having the``fun´´ but when i lean my head on my pillow i was completely empty and not happy, something was missing,nothing sastifys me i didnt know was that until my family started to assits on a church , i was invite to every reunion or service , in one of the service i realize what was that i was looking for! God. i learnt what he did about me , his tremendous love , mercy and faithfulness . only God can and must fill tthat part of me that was hollow. i accepted jesus christ as my savior and my friend and i ask forgiveness for my sins. since that day im completely with peace and confident. well i hope to meet at all through this forum
God bless you!