Inspiration for Week of May 26 to June 1, 2024.

Pastor Gary

Senior Moderator and Staff Trainer
Staff member
Senior Moderator
Staff Trainer
Good Day, Friends; As we travel forward on the Path of Life, there are boulders, rocks, stones, and pebbles in the form of temptations and burdens that can get in our way and cause us to stumble occasionally. If we know God's Word, follow His teachings and love Him as Our Father, there is nothing on our path that we can not overcome. Our knowledge and adherence to God's Word and our love for Him makes the boulders on that path become rocks, the rocks become stones and the stones become pebbles and the pebbles are easily moved out of our way.

We will all occasionally stumble along the way, because we didn't clearly see the obstacles on our Path of Life... but, as we travel on, the Path is lit brighter and brighter by the Light that we see when we study God's Word and the stumbling stone temptations and burdens can be avoided.
May God Bless.
