Man only can learn what he perceives because of our degradation from sin. We can't even read the word of God without the Holy Spirit's help. We don't have all the information to come to a satisfactory conclusion on anything. It's not possible. Since the Garden of Eden, God has wanted but only one thing from man - faith. A strong belief that God knows what's best. Adam chose his own path and everyone since must also make a choice. This is why by one man, Adam, we all sinned, and yet by One Man, Jesus, we are not all automatically saved. It seems to me that God can't save us automatically. This statement is true, because God gave man certain gifts, one of them is freedom to choose. Moses said that we are to make a choice: to live or to die. That choice is Jesus. We do it God's way and live, or our way and die. Everyone must choose Jesus (or trust God if they do not know His name) to live in order to be saved. Everyone knows this because His word is written in our hearts. Everyone makes a choice at some point in their lifetime.I have been studying (in an interested lay-person sense) the relationship between science and scripture since I came to a personal relationship with Christ in the late 1960’s.
I still have a large number of books examining these issues from many angles. Most of them are from authors professing Christian faith. Some, I feel, regard their faith in a much different light than I. I have acquired this number of books because of the importance to me of both the scientific world, and the Bible. I have yet to find a single approach that is truly satisfying. I always have questions. But that is just an invitation to study harder. Sometimes I am faithful in answering that invitation, sometimes I fail.
One of the threads of my study has been that the scientific approach to studying God’s word should enrich the Christian’s appreciation of God, and His providence on our behalf. And this study has.
On the other-hand, since I am commonly part of a fairly conservative church, I am too often at a place where I hold strongly differing views from people I truly respect. It causes me much soul searching, and praying that I am not too much of a burden on my church. But I must hold true to what I believe and hold fast to the belief that the Lord has led me this way for His purpose.
One of the hinge-posts of the reformation was the concept of sola-scriptura, or Bible only. While removing the presumption of authority for theology from man was truly a positive step, it disregards general revelation (which is what science studies). I would rather modify the concept to include revelation via His creation, noting that both scripture and nature require the interpretation of the Spirit.
Science is the study of what we perceive or invent to perceive, yet we are incapable of perceiving the truth without God's help. Solomon figured that one out. We are pushed to study God's creation so that we can see His awe and fear Him respectfully. God said that whatever we can imagine, we can do. Wow! What a gift! Still, no matter how much we know, in the end, it's all still a matter of faith and trust in God and His promises.