Hopefully this is a suitable thread to discuss some questions about baptism I've been thinking over. I'm hoping to learn from the insights of my brothers and sisters here.
I probably started really trying to understand baptism when I was serving alongside brothers and sisters from the Salvation Army. The Salvos, as you probably know, are not against water baptism, but eliminated it as part of their own practice as a practical response to a legitimate problem, which was the realization that "Christian" culture had become overly focused on outward appearance over inward change. (I believe the Salvos' uniform has ironically become the very thing they'd hoped to avoid, in many ways, but that's another discussion
As I was thinking over these things, I've been left with questions. I'm not convinced that any view I've encountered on baptism can answer them sufficiently.
There is of course the famous debate over the "one baptism" of Ephesians 4:5. Is the "one baptism" we share in John's water baptism, or the baptism Christ promised in Acts 1:5?
Secondly, there is a very interesting passage involving the "two baptisms" in Acts 10:34-48. I think this passage is relevant to this discussion and asks questions that may be difficult for anyone among us to answer. You'll notice that Peter explains the requirements for salvation through Christ in this way: "the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name." As the gentiles are listening, the Holy Spirit comes upon them, and they begin speaking in tongues.
After they receive this spiritual baptism (i.e., Acts 1:5), Peter comments that now there is nothing preventing their water baptism, and in fact, he orders their baptism.
I suppose it would be much simpler if this passage simply told us whether Peter orders their water baptism as an additional requirement to salvation beyond his explanation "everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins," or simply as an outward sign of what's already taken place inside: if you like, a bold declaration to the church that God has offered salvation equally to all peoples.
Ultimately, though, I expect if we try to answer a question something like "what are the absolute minimal requirements to get you a ticket into heaven," we may come up short of a satisfying answer, because I don't think that's the right way of thinking about being a disciple of Christ. Questions like "What kind of life does God want to teach me to live?" are a lot more likely to produce relevant answers from scripture.
Your thoughts?