I disagree in part.
Islam is against the Lordship of Jesus as the Christ of God. That makes them antiChrist.
There are to be two beasts, one comes up out of the sea, the second beast comes from the land.
I must confess that I have no clear insight into what sea Revelation means, if indeed it means a body of water at all. Similarly I have no clear insight as to what land the second beast comes from, or if indeed land in the geological sense is meant.
Could Islam be the second beast? and if so could Rome be the first beast ?
You might be interested to know how it was that the Reformers came to believe in Historicism: that the Papacy is the Antichrist, and the identiy of the First and Second Beasts of Revelation 13:
The metal image of Daniel 2 clearly describes Babylon, Medo Persia, Greece, Rome, and the divisions of Rome that became Europe, and the Second Coming "Stone" that strikes the image's feet:
The Reformers understood that God, like all good teaches, uses the principle of repetition and enlargement with regard to prophecy, and saw that the beasts of Daniel 7 parallel perfectly the metals of Daniel 2 :
But, Daniel 7 also introduces a new element: The "Little Horn". It came up among the Ten Divisions of Rome which evolved into Europe - Allemanni (Germany); Francs (France); Anglo Saxons (English); Suevi (Portugal); Visitgoths (Spain); Lombards (Italians); Burgundians (Swiss). The remaining three were destroyed by the Papacy b/c they refused to submit to Papal authority: Heruli, Vandals, and Ostrogoths.
Their belief in Historicism also convinced them that the First Beast of Revelation 13, which so parallels the Little Horn of Daniel's prophecies, was also the Papacy. All these beasts arose "out of the sea", which Revelation 17:15 says are "peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues." They believed that soon after the First Beast (Papacy) would "receive a deadly wound" in 1798, exactly 1260 years after it came into existence, the Second Beast would soon arise thereafter out of the "earth", the opposite of the "sea", or a vast land where no such multitudes were to be found. Here's an interesting quote by Methodist commentator John Wesley about
the identity of the Second Beast:
Revelation 13:11 - And I saw another wild beast - So he is once termed to show his fierceness and strength, but in all other places,
"the false prophet." He comes to confirm the kingdom of the first beast. Coming up - After the other had long exercised his authority. Out of the earth...
But he is not yet come, though he cannot be far off for he is to appear at the end of the forty-two months of the first beast. And he had two horns like a lamb - A mild, innocent appearance. But he spake like a dragon - Venomous, fiery, dreadful. So do those who are zealous for the beast.
This was written in the mid-18th century, showing that the Reformers fully expected the Papacy to soon suffer a "deadly wound" which would eventually be healed, as we have seen today.
QUESTION: What "lamb like' nation of Christians arose out of the sparsely populated land after the Papacy was wounded in 1798, and in a short time became a world superpower that now "speaks like a dragon" and will soon make "an image to the First Beast" by joining church and state for the purpose of persecuting and eventually executing all those who refuse to bow down and worship the first beast? If Wesley were here today, he'd know EXACTLY who it was.