Is Modern Israel The One Of Prophecy?

Is Modern Israel The One of Prophecy?

  • Yes, it fulfills prophecy

    Votes: 7 87.5%
  • No, it is no better than the one in Jeremiah's time

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • No, but it is a start

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other, I'll explain

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The day Israel became a new state was prophesied.

The amount of land occupied/concurred has never been completed.

The length of a generation, 70 years, since they became a state is a clue to the second coming.

A week as a day is a thousand years is another clue.
A state created by British Zionists and European radical Judaism into a nation that is secular, against God, not treating the foreigners in their midst as themselves as was commanded and not encompassing all the land that was promised.

It is a false Israel.
There are to be two beasts, one comes up out of the sea, the second beast comes from the land.
I must confess that I have no clear insight into what sea Revelation means, if indeed it means a body of water at all. Similarly I have no clear insight as to what land the second beast comes from, or if indeed land in the geological sense is meant.
Could Islam be the second beast? and if so could Rome be the first beast ?

The biblical idioms - the "Sea" is generally idiomatic of the Gentiles... The "Land" is generally idiomatic of Israel....

I would expect the "First beast" - 7 heads and 10 horns - to be Gentile... Note that THIS beast has the Harlot religious organization riding it....

I infer that the "Second beast" - or the False prophet - is Israel-centric...

The biblical idioms - the "Sea" is generally idiomatic of the Gentiles... The "Land" is generally idiomatic of Israel....

I would expect the "First beast" - 7 heads and 10 horns - to be Gentile... Note that THIS beast has the Harlot religious organization riding it....

I infer that the "Second beast" - or the False prophet - is Israel-centric...

I had only ever heard that the sea was the source of evil (things) But then that fits the Gentiles anyway from a theocratic viewpoint.
I'd not heard that the land represents Israel. But I suppose the land is somewhat separate from the sea, so it seems to fit OK.
If you want to get a really good understanding to the end times as they fit today, read Walid Shoebat and Joel Richardson's book God's War on Terror.
I disagree in part.
Islam is against the Lordship of Jesus as the Christ of God. That makes them antiChrist.
There are to be two beasts, one comes up out of the sea, the second beast comes from the land.
I must confess that I have no clear insight into what sea Revelation means, if indeed it means a body of water at all. Similarly I have no clear insight as to what land the second beast comes from, or if indeed land in the geological sense is meant.
Could Islam be the second beast? and if so could Rome be the first beast ?

You might be interested to know how it was that the Reformers came to believe in Historicism: that the Papacy is the Antichrist, and the identiy of the First and Second Beasts of Revelation 13:

The metal image of Daniel 2 clearly describes Babylon, Medo Persia, Greece, Rome, and the divisions of Rome that became Europe, and the Second Coming "Stone" that strikes the image's feet:


The Reformers understood that God, like all good teaches, uses the principle of repetition and enlargement with regard to prophecy, and saw that the beasts of Daniel 7 parallel perfectly the metals of Daniel 2 :


But, Daniel 7 also introduces a new element: The "Little Horn". It came up among the Ten Divisions of Rome which evolved into Europe - Allemanni (Germany); Francs (France); Anglo Saxons (English); Suevi (Portugal); Visitgoths (Spain); Lombards (Italians); Burgundians (Swiss). The remaining three were destroyed by the Papacy b/c they refused to submit to Papal authority: Heruli, Vandals, and Ostrogoths.


Their belief in Historicism also convinced them that the First Beast of Revelation 13, which so parallels the Little Horn of Daniel's prophecies, was also the Papacy. All these beasts arose "out of the sea", which Revelation 17:15 says are "peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues." They believed that soon after the First Beast (Papacy) would "receive a deadly wound" in 1798, exactly 1260 years after it came into existence, the Second Beast would soon arise thereafter out of the "earth", the opposite of the "sea", or a vast land where no such multitudes were to be found. Here's an interesting quote by Methodist commentator John Wesley about the identity of the Second Beast:

Revelation 13:11 - And I saw another wild beast - So he is once termed to show his fierceness and strength, but in all other places, "the false prophet." He comes to confirm the kingdom of the first beast. Coming up - After the other had long exercised his authority. Out of the earth...But he is not yet come, though he cannot be far off for he is to appear at the end of the forty-two months of the first beast. And he had two horns like a lamb - A mild, innocent appearance. But he spake like a dragon - Venomous, fiery, dreadful. So do those who are zealous for the beast.

This was written in the mid-18th century, showing that the Reformers fully expected the Papacy to soon suffer a "deadly wound" which would eventually be healed, as we have seen today.

QUESTION: What "lamb like' nation of Christians arose out of the sparsely populated land after the Papacy was wounded in 1798, and in a short time became a world superpower that now "speaks like a dragon" and will soon make "an image to the First Beast" by joining church and state for the purpose of persecuting and eventually executing all those who refuse to bow down and worship the first beast? If Wesley were here today, he'd know EXACTLY who it was.


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You couldn't get any more anti Christ then islam, especially since they are fond of beheading people and
it says in revelations they came to life who were beheaded.

According to Bible Prophecy, Antichrist is identified as being far more than simply "against" Christ, and the Islam's modern day beheadings are but a drop in the bucket of a sea of just such beheadings committed against Christians by what the Protestant Reformers identified as Antichrist.

The Greek "Anti" means "for, in place of, in behalf of, instead of, against." So, Antichrist must not only be against Jesus, but also claim to be Christ's substitute. Does the Papacy do that?

"The Pope (Vicarius Filli Dei) is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of flesh."-Catholic National, July 1895.

Islam did not arise as a "kingdom" among the ten "horn" kingdoms that came up out of the ashes of the fallen Roman Empire. It does not claim to be Christ, nor dispensers of His grace, nor are their leaders said to "approach the altar as another Christ", nor changed God's Law, nor ruled for 1260 years before a "deadly wound", nor claim the prerogatives of Christ. The Papacy fulfills all this and more, but because modern day prophecy teachers have rejected Historicism and programmed Christians to embrace Jesuit Futurism, Christians don't know that the ideas of Historicism presented here are what was taught in every single Protestant church from Europe to America for 300 years after the Jesuits introduced Futurism. Only recently has Futurism supplanted Historicism to the point that people think that Islam is the cause of the "souls that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus", not knowing that millions of Christians met that very demise because they refused to acknowledge a Roman Catholic wafer of bread held out before them as the real, divine, body of Jesus, as a French soldier stood over them with a threatening sword drawn ,