Is this preacher doing it right?

Also, thanks for sharing, I think I'll go buy that microphone and speaker to preach like he did and engage people, what a good idea!
Amen. I like this guy ... I would never have the courage to go out in public crowded area with a megaphone and preach the way he does.

On the note of fear in public speaking, I used to be the kid who would pass out from the stress of classroom presentations in elementary school. Through then Lord now He has given me the ability and opportunity to preach in multiple congregations and speak in front of larger crowds. It is only through Him I can do it.

God has a pattern of picking people who considered themselves terrible speakers, Moses and Peter included. If a good speaker spoke the Word of God, he could take credit for the results. If a poor speaker preaches, and many are saved, you can only accredit that to the Lord
It's a good thing that the people of God are about His business, then.

Persecution will come, anyway.
Actually the Lord had said go out into all the world starting at Jerusalem. The truth was they aLloyd stayed in JERUSALEM?
persecution came and THAT scattered them.
It echos what God said to No ah, go out into all the world etc.What did they do?
Found a nice valley where it was pleasant and said let us build us a tower and a name for ourselves etc.So God judged them and scattered them as was his will
Many a church is building tall steeples and their own ministry FIRST.and not going out preaching the gospel. But rather are enticing the world to come in by using the world. Then they have to use the world to keep them and their purses purses full.
This is not how it should be.
In Christ
As it says in 1 Timothy chapter 3 not to let a "novice" (new convert) be a elder or have a position of authority in the Church as they are more inclined to become "puffed up", and fall into the trap of the devil in that position. I know for me when I first got saved I sensed the call of God upon me so strong that I quit my job and went into the ministry full time! That was a smart move on my part as I needed to find another job not to long afterwards. :) It takes years of spiritual growth before the Lord will use a person in the ministry, but it does not take years for one to be able to wittiness to others as to why of the hope we have in us.
The Lord has mercy, and gives grace to our sometimes dumb things we do outside of his guidance. :)
Actually the Lord had said go out into all the world starting at Jerusalem. The truth was they aLloyd stayed in JERUSALEM?
persecution came and THAT scattered them.
It echos what God said to No ah, go out into all the world etc.What did they do?
Found a nice valley where it was pleasant and said let us build us a tower and a name for ourselves etc.So God judged them and scattered them as was his will
Many a church is building tall steeples and their own ministry FIRST.and not going out preaching the gospel. But rather are enticing the world to come in by using the world. Then they have to use the world to keep them and their purses purses full.
This is not how it should be.
In Christ

I only know churches (and I know MANY) who are all about the Great Commission. I happen to see the doughnut and don't focus on the hole...thank God.

I decided to watch all of his videos today and hes actually a good preacher. You should see his other videos 99% of the time hes being mocked people are cursing at him or laughing or taunting him yet he continues preaching ... I think he will be rewarded greatly.

I Think I watched the wrong video first lol
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I only know churches (and I know MANY) who are all about the Great Commission. I happen to see the doughnut and don't focus on the hole...thank God.

Having been preaching the gospel in open airs for over 30 years all over London and in other places. There has been very few indeed from other churches also preaching the gospel.and even fewer with anything like the consistency that is needed and when churches do go out it is to advertise themselves and some special event.
It has to be said in the last few years or so that you do see more individuals doing it but why are they alone?
I refuse to wear rose tinted glasses.
The church is supposed to be the salt of the stop the meat corrupting, I don't know where you are,but I see nothing in the UK that suggests there is any or much salt.But I do see a parliament that has made equal in law what is not equal in fact and has therefore to all intents and purposes made a lie equal to the truth in law.
I see also a reverse reformation and things long ago proved beyond all reasonable doubt to be false now being accepted by degree in the church.
The church is not a doughnut, it is a body a temple of the Lord. As such then if the toe tells you that the ground you are standing on is unsafe it would be wise to look down and check it out for yourself.
In Christ
Having been preaching the gospel in open airs for over 30 years all over London and in other places. There has been very few indeed from other churches also preaching the gospel.and even fewer with anything like the consistency that is needed and when churches do go out it is to advertise themselves and some special event.
It has to be said in the last few years or so that you do see more individuals doing it but why are they alone?
I refuse to wear rose tinted glasses.
The church is supposed to be the salt of the stop the meat corrupting, I don't know where you are,but I see nothing in the UK that suggests there is any or much salt.But I do see a parliament that has made equal in law what is not equal in fact and has therefore to all intents and purposes made a lie equal to the truth in law.
I see also a reverse reformation and things long ago proved beyond all reasonable doubt to be false now being accepted by degree in the church.
The church is not a doughnut, it is a body a temple of the Lord. As such then if the toe tells you that the ground you are standing on is unsafe it would be wise to look down and check it out for yourself.
In Christ
Street preaching is only ONE method where people of God get the gospel out. Lifestyle evangelism is more common and very effective in making disciples for Jesus Christ.
its a shame he has great energy and he is very confident in the word .

Yes he has but sincerity and knowledge does not translate into good preaching.

May I say to you what Dr. Billy Graham said in one of his books. No one has brought more people into Gods plan of salvation by Dr. Graham and even he admitted .........."I am just not a good of a preacher".

Yes that is humility but it is also recognizing the fact that it is the Holy Spirit of God in us that allows people to see Jesus through us.

That being said, do you think that those who were gathering around our street minister thought that about him????????
Very poor display of arrogance and judgment. Poor people can't even enjoy their lunch on the patio.

If I was an unbeliever, I'd try to rip him a new one. No, wait---I'm a believer and I'd like to rip him a new one! He is doing the Body of Christ a disservice. How is a person to come to faith in response to the message of love and hope? No, he is not speaking for Jesus. He is shouting for what he thinks are brownie's carnal. In the end, when it is run through the fire, there will be nothing left of that stubble. No reward for him.

Agreed! He reminds me of the Pharisee calling attention to himself before he prays.
As it says in 1 Timothy chapter 3 not to let a "novice" (new convert) be a elder or have a position of authority in the Church as they are more inclined to become "puffed up", and fall into the trap of the devil in that position. I know for me when I first got saved I sensed the call of God upon me so strong that I quit my job and went into the ministry full time! That was a smart move on my part as I needed to find another job not to long afterwards. :) It takes years of spiritual growth before the Lord will use a person in the ministry, but it does not take years for one to be able to wittiness to others as to why of the hope we have in us.
The Lord has mercy, and gives grace to our sometimes dumb things we do outside of his guidance. :)
Street preaching is only ONE method where people of God get the gospel out. Lifestyle evangelism is more common and very effective in making disciples for Jesus Christ.

Actually preaching is the primary means by which people are saved.
For it still pleases God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
And in another place " will they hear unless it is preached and who will go for us?"
The life of a person confirming.
Discipleship comes After repenting and believing on the Lord Jess Christ.

In Christ
When one is anointed for that kind of preaching and obeys God in His calling to do it, that anointing will yield great results and much visible fruit.

Outside if the anointing, it's just self-promotion, working in one's own strength and personal ideals.

All of us who are walking with Jesus are preachers, however
Actually preaching is the primary means by which people are saved.
For it still pleases God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
And in another place " will they hear unless it is preached and who will go for us?"
The life of a person confirming.
Discipleship comes After repenting and believing on the Lord Jess Christ.

In Christ

Yes it is but what is seen in that video is not preaching of the gospel. In fact I did not here the gospel presented once.
For it still pleases God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

I don't think that this man's kind of foolishness is what the Lord is talking about.

1 Corinthians 1:21
Since God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never know him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching to save those who believe.

I am going out in a few minutes to minister to people on the street. I pray that the Lord infuses me with His wisdom, and that I will speak His words, and that I will not speak out of the foolishness of my own soul.

I don't think that this man's kind of foolishness is what the Lord is talking about.

1 Corinthians 1:21
Since God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never know him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching to save those who believe.

I am going out in a few minutes to minister to people on the street. I pray that the Lord infuses me with His wisdom, and that I will speak His words, and that I will not speak out of the foolishness of my own soul.

Taking an answer to another argument and applying it to another is not only foolish it is not even just.
For the record then.
I was replying to the statement" that preaching is but one method "
I was replying that it is the primary method and gave the scripture to uphold my assertion.
You then do no good sevice either to the matter In hand or the preaching of the gospel.
In Christ
Yes it is but what is seen in that video is not preaching of the gospel. In fact I did not here the gospel presented once.
We were talking about preaching being the primary means of getting people saved. Or reconciled with God.
The scripture to show that it is was given to uphold that assertion.
A denial is no argument. And the question of the young man's presentation of the gospel or his preaching I have already answered.
Your perceptions of his error does not justify yours.

In Christ
Taking an answer to another argument and applying it to another is not only foolish it is not even just.
For the record then.
I was replying to the statement" that preaching is but one method "
I was replying that it is the primary method and gave the scripture to uphold my assertion.
You then do no good sevice either to the matter In hand or the preaching of the gospel.
In Christ

I do not think I have encountered anyone who liked to argue any more than you do Gerald.
Taking an answer to another argument and applying it to another is not only foolish it is not even just.
For the record then.
I was replying to the statement" that preaching is but one method "
I was replying that it is the primary method and gave the scripture to uphold my assertion.
You then do no good sevice either to the matter In hand or the preaching of the gospel.
In Christ
Actually, my comment was very appropriate, thank you.
I do not think I have encountered anyone who liked to argue any more than you do Gerald.
The great difference between me and you is I like to substantiate or have good reason why a I believe what I do.
Faith in God comes by understanding the Word of God.
If we wish to grow in faith our understanding needs to grow as well.
The church is heading for great storms and much persecution where it has not been for over 400 years.
The church does not know God.
As He "who is from the beginning "
It has but heard of a Him.
But if it is to become more than a conquerer it will need to come to that knowledge of God.
For little children cannot put on the armour of God and are easily deceived.
Young men the word of God dwells in you richly and or abides and ye have overcome the wicked one.
Are no longer little children.
If then a I argue it is not as you put it argumentative, but presenting an argument you are unwilling even to follow.
Perhaps later by the grace of God you may be more willing.

In Christ,