With all due respect, much of what is being said here is historically inaccurate.
But God was looking ahead and knows what these countries will become.And at the time of ALL of those scriptures there was NO Islam.
None. Not a drop.
But it conveniently fits in your desire to defame Muslims, just as it did for Catholics to do it to Jews.
Can you not see the road you are going down is the exact same one they did in the Middle Ages?
Why do you want to create your own version of the Große Lüge?
This is a dark path you're going down. Turn away now before it is too late.
"Bigoted" is a very strong word coming from you Lysander but as it happens I completely agree with you and think it is well-chosen. In many cases historical facts are not that difficult to unearth but occasionally people seem to prefer to believe the unbelievable.I think it's possible to be very critical of other religions, and openly in fact, and still not be unfair or bigoted against them. In fact, we ought to be. We have to try to understand right from wrong.
"Bigoted" is a very strong word coming from you Lysander but as it happens I completely agree with you and think it is well-chosen. In many cases historical facts are not that difficult to unearth but occasionally people seem to prefer to believe the unbelievable.
Now I’m going to deviate from the norm concerning Rome. In Daniel’s statue, the bronze belly and thighs are Greece. What people forget is that this “Roman leg” division happened at the “thighs” of Greece, with its division into the East and the West. At the knees, the body splits off into two bones – the tibia and the fibula. I believe the western leg was the political Roman system until the knees. The division into two bones became the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox systems. The eastern leg is Islam, and at the knees, divides into Sunni and Shia systems. All these groups “pray” on their knees.
With all due respect, much of what is being said here is historically inaccurate.