Israel And Gaza Strip

Mitspa, you're defending how Israel treats Palestinians by comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. I guess there's no point in trying to reason with you.
I did no such thing? Are you trying to lie to defend your attack against these people God has given this land to? If any charge could be made it should be that they have not trusted God and have not taken all the land that He has promised them.
I wonder how good their iron dome is? If it could handle the rockets from Lebanon and Gaza and keep Israel safe then their might not be any need to be offensive. That could be pricey on Israel though, and i'm sure some rockets would make it past the iron dome...idk...the whole thing is a mess. The only other option I have thought of that I know is already in debate is an Israeli ground force going into Gaza...but their are many drawbacks to that too..

When one looks at a map, there is a lot of open space in the Sinai Peninsula. I wonder why the Palestinians are not re-located.
Of course I think that about the West Bank also.
No other country on Earth subjects a people to what Israel subjects the Palestinians to, so consider that before you start praising Israel for being better than any other country.

I can not agree with that! No nation has been through what Israel has been through. If we had put up with Mexico doing what has been done to Israel, we would have invaded and removed them a hundred years ago.
I wonder how good their iron dome is? If it could handle the rockets from Lebanon and Gaza and keep Israel safe then their might not be any need to be offensive. That could be pricey on Israel though, and i'm sure some rockets would make it past the iron dome...idk...the whole thing is a mess. The only other option I have thought of that I know is already in debate is an Israeli ground force going into Gaza...but their are many drawbacks to that too..

The rockets used in the "Iron Dome" are very expensive. In the are of 2-3 million apiece.
Thank you Major for responding to this thread :) Before I made this thread I was a little confused on some things, but now I understand. I completely support Israel and will continue praying.
No other country on Earth subjects a people to what Israel subjects the Palestinians to, so consider that before you start praising Israel for being better than any other country.

Thats funny I did not hear anyone say Israel was better than any other country? In fact I think some of them are also extremists who believe they are a superior race or some other hogwash...we even still have white supremacists here in America but what does that have to do with an uninstigated shelling of 140 missiles just because Israel is seeking those who kidnapped and murdered those children? What would you do if I kidnapped your community's kids and then bombed your houses when you sought justice? Speak false words of peace and offer me a cup of tea? Really?
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Two women with babies lived in the same household. One woman accidentally suffocated her baby. The mother of the dead baby then claimed the surviving baby was her baby. Both women went to King Solomon to get a ruling on who gets the baby. The king offered to split the baby into two, and give each women half. The real mother freaked out and told the king to give the baby to the other woman and not kill the baby. The women who stole the baby, in anger and wickedness, thought it better that no one have the baby than for her not to get the baby. So, the king then knew who the real mother was.

Israel wants the Palestinian land (without Palestinians), but the world won't let Israel have it without the Palestinians. So, Israel won't let anyone have the land. The land, as far as I know, is the only populated land on the planet that doesn't have statehood. Israel stole the land from her neighbors and the US is allowing Israel to keep the land in a continuing state of being a "split baby", with neither Israel nor the Palestinians having sovereignty over the land.

Ummm, Israel stole the land, here read this,

And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him. Gen 12:7

The whole world is God's, can't He give a piece to His chosen people?


Ummm, Israel stole the land, here read this,

And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him. Gen 12:7

The whole world is God's, can't He give a piece to His chosen people?


Yes, He can.

The problem is that Abraham had two sons. One is the rightful heir, but the other wants it as well.
Yes, He can.

The problem is that Abraham had two sons. One is the rightful heir, but the other wants it as well.

Your are correct, but their is no doubt as to who God intended the Promise Land to belong to,

And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. Gen 22:2

God doesn't count Ishmael into the equation about who the land is promised to.


I did no such thing? Are you trying to lie to defend your attack against these people God has given this land to? If any charge could be made it should be that they have not trusted God and have not taken all the land that He has promised them.

"WHAAAA I DID NO SUCH THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You said, "everyone else would have driven these people out long ago", I asked for examples while providing some possible examples, including Nazi Germany, and you replied that those examples, which includes Nazi Germany, make your case. So, indeed, you defended Israel by equating Israel with Nazis. However, I disagree. The Nazis didn't occupy neighboring countries for decades, and we carpet bombed Germany for what brief occupation they were guilty of.

I believe Hitler was consciously an Atheist, as proven by some of his comments , such as dismissing the Bible as a fairytale. But, Hitler did find it useful to pretend to be a Christian to manipulate Christian Germans into supporting his evil plans. He claimed God gave him the right to take the land he took. God did not. Likewise, God has nothing to do with giving land to Jews in the middle-east now. It's wicked men, or men being misled by wicked men, into defending Israel's evil acts by claiming Israel has a God-given right to the land. And, even if Israel did have a divine right to the land, that is no defense of Israel's methods.

BTW, in every example I gave, the oppressors are nearly universally condemned condemned. So, which example would you care to run with, if not the Nazis?
I can not agree with that! No nation has been through what Israel has been through. If we had put up with Mexico doing what has been done to Israel, we would have invaded and removed them a hundred years ago.

If Israel has had it rougher than any other nation, then they must be cursed by God. Right?

We don't occupy Mexico, so your analogy is absolutely invalid.
Your are correct, but their is no doubt as to who God intended the Promise Land to belong to,

And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. Gen 22:2

God doesn't count Ishmael into the equation about who the land is promised to.


True, but the descendants of Ishmael don't see it that way.
God doesn't count Ishmael into the equation about who the land is promised to.

If Abraham's own first-born son doesn't count, how do you figure that any modern Jews count? Unlike Ishmael, none of them claim nor can any demonstrate lineage of Abraham. But, like Ishmael, they have rejected God's will. So, explain!

And, what does any of that matter? Is it okay for God's people to rape and sodomize their neighbors? Does every evil deed cease to be evil when someone becomes a Christian? So, why does Israel get blanket approval? Explain!

<not holding my breath or explanations>
One problem here is that the so-called Arabic people of Palestine are not the children of Ishmael....they have no genealogical link to his 12 princedoms...the nations from the loins of Ishmael (except that we know that some of his female descendants merged with Esau) all dwelt within the bounds of Arabia proper...most of the people today occupying Palestine are from Egyptian, Turkish, Jordanese, and Lebanese stock...many of their ancestors were outcasts and exiles from these lands and left overs from the Ottoman empire.

If anyone does not have a "right" to the land it is them....whether Ishmaels or Isaacs offspring do, we know that Isaacs do (but possibly also Ishmael's) but certainly not these people....Esau's people are of Isaac and Ishmael mixed so they have some right but not those from Egyptian stock or from Jordan or Lebanon or Syria or Turkey...its all political.
Thank you Major for responding to this thread :) Before I made this thread I was a little confused on some things, but now I understand. I completely support Israel and will continue praying.

Oh yes my friend. e must support and pray for Israel.

Remember this Bible fact.......God is not through with Israel THEY are His reason for the coming 7 year Tribulation Period in order to save Israel.

The church HAS NOT replaced Israel and every single promise that God made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will be fulfilled by od to Israel.

We are seeing the preparation for Jesus to come taking place right in front of our eyes!!!!
One problem here is that the so-called Arabic people of Palestine are not the children of Ishmael....they have no genealogical link to his 12 princedoms...the nations from the loins of Ishmael (except that we know that some of his female descendants merged with Esau) all dwelt within the bounds of Arabia proper...most of the people today occupying Palestine are from Egyptian, Turkish, Jordanese, and Lebanese stock...many of their ancestors were outcasts and exiles from these lands and left overs from the Ottoman empire.

If anyone does not have a "right" to the land it is them....whether Ishmaels or Isaacs offspring do, we know that Isaacs do (but possibly also Ishmael's) but certainly not these people....Esau's people are of Isaac and Ishmael mixed so they have some right but not those from Egyptian stock or from Jordan or Lebanon or Syria or Turkey...its all political.

You are absolutely correct and that is why I suggest they be moved to the Sinai Peninsula. Will it happen? Of course not!