Just a glimps of what Jesus is doing in our part of the North Wales Coast,

Hope this is allowed there are nuggets of gold if you have two hours spare

Another Monday morning after another great Sunday service in Church. Another 3 great testimonies all different yet individuals coming to know the Saviour of the world. Isn't it great seeing God working in people’s lives and hearing how they have come to faith.

I shared this verse at the beginning of the service yesterday, 2 Corinthians 3:17 “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom".

The God of heaven is clearly working in our Church by His spirit and setting people free. Again yesterday, after the service, another gentleman came to speak to me in the foyer as he wanted to become a Christian. That's one person after each Baptism service who has responded to the call of God and left the kingdom of darkness and has entered God's Kingdom of light.

As a church we are all called to pray for new believers, welcoming them and encouraging them in their journey of faith. Being a disciple of Jesus isn't just for Sunday's and we need to be careful not to be carried away by emotions but to dig deep into God's word. The parable of the Sower springs to mind and the seed that shoots up quickly but dies off because they have no roots.

Let's pray that as a Church family we all continue to grow deep roots into God's word and continue to bear much fruit in our lives.

If you missed the service yesterday, it is now online and has a powerful story of a man who rang the church office on Saturday. Here is the link to the service.

Baptism Service week 3 at KBC (youtube.com)