1. Favorite Season?
2. Favorite holiday?
3. I'll do it tomorrow- or- It's already done?
I'll do it tomorrow
4. Last thing you ate?
Hamburger and fries
5. got any pets?
Two cocker spaniels (Joey and Cisco)
6. Last chapter you read in the Bible?
Ecclesiastes 3
7. gift wrap please-or- i enjoy gift wrapping it myself?
I prefer gift bags.
8. Last store you went to?
9. Ham or turkey?
Ham, but I like turkey ok
10. Favorite candy??
Too many to just name one
11. I love to see the sun come up-or- I like to see the moon come up? I'm a night owl, so I guess the moon
12. Any annoying habits?lol
I'm another knuckle and neck popper.
13. music or reading?
Reading, but I love music too.
14. Favorite hymm played at your church?
Holy, Holy, Holy
15. can you play an instrument?
16. last movie you saw?
I honestly don't remember. I usually watch documentaries online.
17. If you could vacation anywhere, then where?
There are a few places in Europe I'd love to go
18. When does your christmas tree go up?
The weekend of Thanksgiving