Let me tell you a story….

Let me tell you a story…
Like a Magpie?

Looking at a lone magpie
In my garden today…
It glided down looking for food to glean,
Firstly landing on the path
And walked around testing the ground, stamping the ground, first with the right leg then the left looking for food to appear
Scratching around pecking inspecting the ground to see if any tasty morsel has been uncovered, so he could ‘taste and see’ if something tasty had been revealed
Walking, not hopping as they do swaggering their tail from side to side covered the lawn veg beds the edge of the compost heap hoping for that special gem that grub, that juicy fat worm.

Distracted by a shiny piece of foil
Fred, as we were now friends I gave him a name, Fred poked it scrunched it with its claw
Deciding it must be precious flew off foil dragging behind, up to the nest, the foil was safely secured, Fred looked and admired his reflection as he preened him self recognising what a wonderful creature he was!
While he was there he counted his shiny pins and hair grips and glittery stones adorning what he thought was the best nest in the tree,

Fred dived back into the garden for his mandatory dust bowl bath, dived right in shaking the dust all over covering every inch head to tail, then vigorously shaking it off to reveal his coat it all its glory, on again to wandering around the garden searching for that something special…

I must have whiled away hours watching this bird, watching his world,
Some may think wasting my time, it’s only a bird, others say I’m overthinking just sit back enjoy nature and don’t let your coffee get cold…

Me, I had a thought…
Is this a modern day parable? is this how we treat the bible…. May be?
Who knows
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Nature is a marvel, a mystery.
A creation still to be fathomed.
I had an interesting bird experience as well.
We have a stainless steel chimney with a shiny raincap. Woodpeckers migrate through our area in spring and fall. Anyway this Woodpecker was sitting on top of the raincap hammering away to the point of being annoying. I'd go out and he wood fly away, come back in the house and he would be back at it again. I was starting to wonder about that bird 'brain'. Come to find out, that making that racket was a mating call lol.