Well, I have been silent for a long, long time concerning you Polly. I have really made an attempt not to be drawn into some of the questions you pose. I have my own personal reason for that.
I do not attempt to argue with you neither do I confront you. I hope what I say to you does not harm you or anger because I have no desire to hurt you because that is not my nature or my calling in life. I simply try to give advice where it is needed and sometimes that causes pain when given because it is the truth. Now whether you accept it as that or reject it totally up to you.
Now, to quote Glomung in one of his posts to you, "you are either the most confused person or confusing person I know". I have to agree with that comment.
In my not so humble opinion and you are welcome to disagree with me if you so choose, and you will, but my dear you really need to stay off the computer for awhile and take that time and read the Word of God and do some serious Bible study.
Your comments are so very childish and seem to repeat themselves over and over again. Even when the good people here on this site give you the advice you seem to cry out for, you then tend to argue your opinion instead of taking their advice.
Please, for your sake do the work, read the Word and pray for God's Holy Spirit to give you Godly wisdom in your life so that life itself would be so much better for you.