Ok, thank you. I asked because the way some represent the manuscript differences, you’d think there was a sinister underground conspiracy to covertly change the text to lead the Church down the path of eternal error. But apparently they aren’t doing a very good job (so far) since there are no major shifts in doctrine due to the more recent manuscript findings.
There has been a sinister plot against the spiritual growth of the Christian (this issue can't effect one's salvation, only growth from it) since Satan began his first attack on God's Word by saying, "Ye hath God said" (
Gen 3:1). The translation issue can't effect your salvation, but the lack in reading Scripture will effect your spiritual growth.
The recent discovery of corrupt manuscripts (Vaticanus and Sinaiticus) has made quite a change in many of their passages of their translations.
One sample of many corrupted passages is "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." This is an angels blessing to all people to have peace and good will toward all.
The corrupted translations all say “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!" This is not only changing the genuine thought line but limiting the angels blessing to only those who please God, and not to all. Pretty big mistake, which is only one of very many passage changes like this one.
Another significant change is in Jn 3:13, which is supposed to read, "no man hath ascended up to heaven, but He that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man which is in heaven." In the modern translations omit the phrase "which is in heaven," which detracts from the Deity of Christ's omnipresence, being in heaven while on earth.
None of the modern translations can lay claim to containing the plenary inspiration of Scripture; they have hundreds of omissions of the Word (Jn 3:13).
Nestle-Aland, who uses the false manuscripts to derive their source from the works of Westcott and Hort, who published their source from
1853-1881, were occultists.
"Along with Bishop Edward White Benson, Westcott and Hort founded the Ghostly Guild. This club was designed to investigate ghosts and super- natural appearances. The club was based upon the idea that such spirits actually exist and appear to men. According to The Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsvchologv, the members of the Ghostly Club would "relate personal experiences concerned with ghosts.
This club would eventually become the Society for Psychical Research. According to James Webb in The Occult Underground and W.H. Solter, The S.P.R. - An Outline of It's History, this club became a major factor in the rise of spiritualism among the elite of English society in the late 1800's. Many leading occult figures belonged to the Society." part XI, 3rd and 4th paragraph