Should we pay any heed to the Jesus Seminar ? Well once all those colour coded tags are handed in and the vote decided. Those poisonous pens just don’t remain idle but become very active in the world of biblical academia. Their ideology was already very well entrenched and has been for quite a time prior to the founding of the Jesus Seminar. Enter the late Kurt Aland once chief editor of the Nestles text. Adored around the world by many for the many continuing Nestles editions. And also for many the final authority on what belongs where in the world of dating manuscripts. The only problem was that Kurt Aland was a heretic who believed that the epistles shouldn’t even be in the New Testament and that the most of the New Testament was spurious. He also believed that the New Testament was written well after the apostolic era just as the people of the Westar institute did. And we now know what he was capable of to protect that position destroying the reputation of two highly respected papyrologists who had deciphered papyrus from the Dead Sea scrolls pertaining to verses from 6 books of the New Testament. And of course you know what that would have meant. Putting to sleep once and for all the allegations that the New Testament was written well after the apostolic age Thats when all hell broke loose with Kurt Aland and his propaganda arm denouncing the discovery as false. So Yes Crossnote we should always heed the dangers of such organisations such as with the Jesus seminar and other like minded people like them who always seem to be in high places of authority within the biblical world. One must always evaluate the hand that rocks the cradle.Should we pay any heed to the Jesus Seminar? The ones who used color coded tags to vote as to what was actually God's Word and what wasn't.
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