I am not saying anything that you are not. I am however saying that the belief in the Trinity of God is a basic, fundamental teaching that Christians do in fact believe in.
The fact that you have not seen the Holy Spirit in the New Testament verses that you mentioned does in fact say that you need to question whether or not you are saved.
You see my friend, it is the Holy Spirit that convicts the lost man of his sin and then it is the Holy Spirit that points that lost man to Christ so that he can be saved.
I would encourage you to do some more reading because it seems to me you have missed one of the most important doctrines there is in the Bible.
Matt. 28:19
"Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost:.
The fat is that there is no shortage of Biblical evidence for the diety of the Holy Spirit. He is spoken of in all the Scriptures as God. The attributes of God are assigned to Him. He is engaged in the total work of God. He receives honor due only to God. He was recognized by the early church as God both in the baptism formula and the apostolic benediction.