Hello Major and thank you so much for contributing to this thread.
Im pretty sure as the weeks go by that what I am experiencing the house Pastor doing has nothing to do with the Love of Christ and I also know im not over-reacting, but exercising what the Bible tells us to do and testing the spirit. Each time this man is on the pulpit he is preaching in a condemning way about something that was shared with another member who works alongside him. I know the person shared this information with him and that’s ok as it was given to the person, however the pastors method in managing this matter is so unbiblical, as clearly the Pastor is not in agreement with what was shared thus he is sending a clear message that don’t you dare come again and try and address this person. We can fool one another, but we certainly cannot fool Almighty God,
Im asking the Lord that if the Pastor is in disagreement would he not try to ascertain both sides of the story as to why things led up to this? Why would he simply take one side of the story and behave as though the things shared were said to him? Very strange.
Im seriously considering fellowshipping in one of the other branches and think I will start from this Sunday.
If I were you, anytime a person uses the pulpit as a weapon to condemn or judge others instead of preaching the person and grace of Jesus Christ, I am gone like a goose in winter.
The pastors "office" is the place to discuss the actions of his members face to face and certainly not in the open from the pulpit.
You can pray and pray but from your comments it is clear to me that you already know what it is that you should do.