Lysa Terkeurst Testimony - God's Economy

"Can I speak to your mama heart for a quick second? All of these hard mothering moments will be worth it. Even in those seasons where you feel as if your child is doing everything opposite of what you've taught them. All that parenting is in them. And the fruit of that will emerge one day.”

"In God’s economy, people don’t stand on opposing sides of the conflict scale. People stand on one side and Satan stands on the other.

When we dump hurt into one another’s lives, we aren’t leveling the conflict scale. We are just weighing down the people side of the scale andelevating the Satan side of the scale. Satan loves it when we do his work by dumping on each other.

The secret to healthy conflict resolution isn’t taking a you-against-me stance, but realizing it’s all of us against Satan — he’s the real enemy." - from my book, “Unglued”