Man-Made Climate Change - Myth or Fact

Is man-made climate change claims based on fact or myth

  • MYTH

  • FACT

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I remember when someone pointed out that Mars was experiencing the same effects and Al Gore said we have polluted our planet so bad it was affecting Mars! I had a good laugh. He has one of the largest carbon footprints and says it's o.k. because he pays the extra taxes. His movie "An inconvenient truth has been banned in many other countries because of its' unproven claims. This is a hoax.
I remember when someone pointed out that Mars was experiencing the same effects and Al Gore said we have polluted our planet so bad it was affecting Mars! I had a good laugh. He has one of the largest carbon footprints and says it's o.k. because he pays the extra taxes. His movie "An inconvenient truth has been banned in many other countries because of its' unproven claims. This is a hoax.
He did say that. Problem is the lemmings believe him.