Marking in your Bible

Some things are subjective. If you feel you can learn more by marking and leaving study notes then by all means do so. If you question it as right and do it you may sin in your conscience Godward.

Absolutely correct.

Romans 14:5.........
"One man esteemeth one day above another, another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind".

This tells us that we are all at different levels of understanding.
I know a lot of people who highlight, underline and make notes in their Bible. I'm not saying it's wrong; I just couldn't ever bring myself to do it. What's your thought on it?

I have taken notes in my bible and I date each chapter I read. I have no issues doing this. It's been such a blessing to me to go back over so many years and read what I wrote during times when I was hurting, blessed, feeling God's presence, not feeling God's presence, etc. It's a beautiful reminder of God's mercy and grace. I have no issues with it, personally.
My favourite Bible, the first one I was given when I became a believer is underlined and has a lot of notes in it. I find it interesting to read through and see what resonated with me in the past, and it makes me re-focus on those areas of my prayer life. Like others here, I keep another Bible that is unmarked and pristine, but time and again, I seem to defer to the one with the underlining and notes in the margins. I suppose for those who are opposed to this practice, a scribbler can also be used to make notations if they don't want their Bible marked up. It is all down to what feels right for the owner of the Bible. In no way do I feel it is sacrilegious to underline or make notations, and in fact, all of my study Bibles leave spaces for just this purpose. Again, personal taste prevails.