Miraculous Crossing of the Red Sea

My question is why cross the Suez Gulf of the Red Sea at all when the Suez isthmus had plenty of dry ground upon which to cross. I view an alternative crossing point as the Gulf of Aqaba (also part of the Red Sea) between the Sinai peninsula and the Arabian peninsula. Of course, that would place Mt. Sinai as being on the Arabian peninsula rather than the Sinai peninsula. After all, there is a lot more room to wander aimlessly 40 years in the vast wilderness of Arabia rather than in the limited space of the Sinai.

Hello BibleLover;

I've asked the same question. There were so many different routes God could have commanded Moses to take, different parts of the Red Sea and other dry land routes.

a lot more room, Israel is geographically very small but it seems there is so much room when we learn the many different "names" of their cities, provinces and inheritances.

God bless
you, BibleLover.


Just thought I'd make some general comments to my previous posts.

It is paramount in these last days to search the Scriptures daily like the Bereans did.
We need to know the Written Word accuratelly and be able to accuratelly quote it against the attacks of the devil.
Jesus demonstarated this in Matth. 4 . Visuals will be no help against such attacks.
Adam and Eve did not accuratelly quote and obey the Word of God.

About entertainment:
I find this quote quite interesting.
“Entertainment is the devil's substitute for joy. The more joy you have in the Lord the less entertainment you need.” Leonard Ravenhill

About Hollywood
The devil often comes as an angel of light.
He might give us some entertainment that appear harmless fun and even helpful

But a lot of filth has also already come out of that organisation.
Plus some actors have openly given credit to satan at a ceremony.
A bad tree can not bear good fruit.

That is a very interesting study you did.
Thank you for sharing it with us
It is paramount in these last days to search the Scriptures daily like the Bereans did.
We need to know the Written Word accuratelly and be able to accuratelly quote it against the attacks of the devil.
and therein lies a huge problem.... and I certainly do NOT mean that we should not be reading our Bibles. I absolutely agree that we need scripture in our hearts to KNOW how to live in a manner which is pleasing to God.

For me.... I have experienced people who CLAIM to know the Word of God... yet their behaviour was so locked into legalism and other false doctrines that I wanted NOTHING to do with them.

In all honestly.... I have a FEAR of STUDYING scripture because I do not want to mis-understand it therefore I do NOT study.... I stick to PRAISING and WORSHIPPING GOD for WHO HE IS. I may not have DEEP biblical knowledge as far as history goes... but I do have an understanding that I do NOT need to know a great many things IF I know the ONE who CREATED EVERYTHING.

Again... I am not suggesting that people should not read the WORD of GOD. I certainly love the Psalms and Proverbs and reading about the life of Christ.

As far as Hollywood goes... I remember Touched by an ANGEL... and that program brought me to search for a loving GOD in the way that was depicted in the series. God uses many avenues to CALL out to the LOST.

As with everything ... something can be used to build up ... or tear down.

With things like the event of the parting of the RED SEA.... I can only imagine the AWE and WONDER of it all.
Just thought I'd make some general comments to my previous posts.

It is paramount in these last days to search the Scriptures daily like the Bereans did.
We need to know the Written Word accuratelly and be able to accuratelly quote it against the attacks of the devil.
Jesus demonstarated this in Matth. 4 . Visuals will be no help against such attacks.
Adam and Eve did not accuratelly quote and obey the Word of God.

About entertainment:
I find this quote quite interesting.
“Entertainment is the devil's substitute for joy. The more joy you have in the Lord the less entertainment you need.” Leonard Ravenhill

About Hollywood
The devil often comes as an angel of light.
He might give us some entertainment that appear harmless fun and even helpful

But a lot of filth has also already come out of that organisation.
Plus some actors have openly given credit to satan at a ceremony.
A bad tree can not bear good fruit.

That is a very interesting study you did.
Thank you for sharing it with us

Good morning, Sola gratia;

I'm listening,
but tell me more. I can feel there is something deeper that triggered you to share your post. I'm not baiting you, I don't do that to people. So let's discuss this.

I'm well aware after all these years the reputation of most Hollywood entertainers and their choices in life. I'm also aware that God is my audience so I don't pay heed to most celebrities.

This doesn't mean I'm not going to watch The Sound of Music without God being my conscious.

Thank you, Sola.


In my second post I wrote that I have come to a conclusion not to watch the movie.
Most people might not have understood my reasoning behind such a decision.

Now I have given you a bit more insight about my reasons and my priorities.
I also shared my concern about Hollywood and the satanic influence which also conributed to my decision not to watch the movie.

I don't think I have anything more to add.

Again I want to give credit to RedCrossSea for sharing his study with us
May we all learn from this and study the Word more diligently
Hey Sola gratia;

Thank you for your quick reply. On a side note, one of our neighbors who attends our Bible study is from Switzerland and she loves her home country. Yesterday I shared our fellowship between you, the members and myself. She is 88 years old. I'm the youngest in our Thursday morning gathering. So when I share a testimony aligned with the study she and everyone there are good listeners and my life experience is not so unique because they all have been there and can relate.

It would be nice if
RedCrossSea would follow up and respond to his thread and everyone's posts.

Otherwise, I'm ready to discuss other new stuff.

God bless
you, brother.
