More poems I have written


Like the tears of a clown
When no one’s around
No one sees or knows
When I cry in the hidden place
He knows
They are precious
Jesus saves them every one.
He remembers good times
And celebrates
Overwhelmed with tears of joy

Been there, done it, got the shirt…
He knows and Stores your tears of heartache and pain…
He knows your heartache
bore your pain
wiping the tears away
blurring His face

When the memories fade
But the pain won’t go away
Tears of grief,
Suffered alone…
are eased knowing you’re In Jesus arms
where tears are free
To flow oceans wide

Read with sadness
When Jesus wept
In John 11. 35
Feel like crying?
Don’t hold back
Jesus is here, ready,
Here’s to the next time
The world is not enough...

what a random thought, and what’s it got to do with Christmas?
That’s the thought I woke up with last Christmas eve
so, I sat with a coffee down the bottom of the garden and waited for inspiration... and nothing!... so I just sat and finished me coffee... and enjoyed the frosty winter sun
007 James Bond stories is not a new story however they wrap them up,
its a battle of good over evil and world domination...
Ever since the garden of Eden , Satan has attempted to divide and rule the earth and dominate the world.
Gods ‘ 00 agents’ have fought to defend the world from evil and won many battles since records began...
Moses, Gideon, Daniel and his mates to mention just a few, And then ultimately God sent Jesus...
His best ‘agent’ to finish the battle of good over evil once and for all!
So maybe the James Bond story is a modern day parable? He kept fighting evil wherever he found it!
Although 007 is an entertaining story, I think Gods recorded battles of good over evil is much better read and has a fantastic ending!!!
007 only lives to fight another day.
With God We’ve got eternity in heaven!!!!
So maybe James Bond has something to do with Christmas after all?
Start the week with a grouch
Or a guilty conscience sorted?

Like a bulldog with a wasp
Gnashing, growling at life,
Mr Angry of Mayfair
Stressed Eric about to blow blood vessel
Asking why?

Why does it always happen to me?
Did you plan it?
Or allow it to happen?
Hey GOD!
I thought you were
Supposed to be looking out for me
Not impressed with your
guardian Angels either
Thought they were supposed
to be there,
saving me, protecting me
Twenty four seven
Not allowing me to sin!

It was all good and happy clappy
when fired up at church yesterday,
Full of the spirit
Praising God
Happy to accept the commission
to go out and
Save the world

But this morning
like a bottle of cola
when the lids been left off
My zeal for this life’s lost its fizz
And all this before I’ve even
Opened my eyes!
Think I’ll bury my head
under my pillow
And hide

Should I stop blaming God
Stop make excuses
Blaming someone else?
Accept I was wrong
Have that conversation with Jesus
At the foot of the cross, again?

But there is no ‘again’
With Jesus,
He says
“Go sin no more…
Your sins are forgiven and forgotten!”
Every sin is like the first time?
Its only you that keeps bringing it up
Keeping a record of past crimes…
The only thing that is recorded
In heaven:-
Is your name,
In the
‘Lamb’s Book of Life’