Thanks,Faithwomen, All Glory to God of Israel, Amen
Can I preach?
The Way, The Reality and The Life
Christ the Anointed One, the Messiah: Saviour of the World
The Way to the heavenly hope, to the new earth where righteousness dwell
After so many wayward lifestyles which lead to destruction
Finally there is a Way to the Father, the God who is the giver of Life
Christ Jesus is the Way: Yes He IS
Confusion had risen to the sky in the minds of man
Despair, anguish, sorrow and sin had rule the soul of man
Cries for help, cries for salvation were heard
The Reality, the Truth which dawned as the light in the heart Appeared
Chris Jesus is the Reality, the Truth: Yes He IS
Death enslaved man, its sting [sin] pained man of dust
Where is Life? Where are you Zoe Life?
Coming down from above, died, resurrected and ascended to heaven
Was the Life, the Holy One, Victorious over death, Zoe Life came
Christ Jesus is the Life: Yes He IS
Talking about the Way of Wisdom
Wisdom that declared dominion over the adversary
Philosophies and theology of man failed but Wisdom Way appeared
The Wisdom that Abides in Yahweh, with it there is reverence to the LORD
Chris Jesus is the Way: Yes He IS
In this Reality no one lives by shame
Because in Him there is Prosperity in all things
Christ Jesus is the Reality, the Truth: Yes He IS
Those in Him, nay in all things they are more than conquerors
Greater is He in them than the one in the world
Selfishness the mother of jealous was the master of man
But Life prevailed, the Love Life set man free
Christ Jesus is the Life: King of Life
Love overcame the world for them who believe in Him
Love Is the Father the Eternal existed God: the Life
The Way is the Word that Abides in Yahweh
The incorruptible seed has given birth to New Creation men
Christ Jesus is the Way: Word Way which dwells richly in hearts of New Creation men
The Word of God that had framed their heart and produced faith character of God
From Faith to Faith the righteousness of God is revealed in them
The Reality has resurrected the mind of man
Restoration of the soul is in Christ, the creator of steadfast spirit
Jesus Christ is the Reality, the Truth: Yes He IS
The mind has been transfigured by the Word of Truth
It glows the glory of God in His Holy Mountain
Restoration, Abundant Living is found in Christ
Excellent, Faithful is He, the Lord of Lords
Abounding in Mercy, full of Grace and Truth
Trustworthy is the Reality, Friendship with man is His delight
Christ Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life
What can a child of God fear?
Who can take them away from His Love?
Satan? Nope he is under their feet
The Love Way, the Love Reality and the Love Life has prevailed
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is LORD and He Reigns with them now and forever
Come you man of sorrow, man of dust
Because you like grass which withers away by the breath of God
O nations, I call upon you because you are small as dust in the scales
Come to the Way, the Reality and the Life so that you can have eternal Life
Come to the Love Way, Love Reality and the Love Life, you’ll be free from selfishness