My heart is messed up

Thank you for replying gonefishing. I'm just frustrated man...if I come off rude it isn't personal. My whole life has been so crappy it just frustrates me to death all the injustice that people have intentionally done to me. The people that are suppose to be there for me are usually the worse too. I know Abdicate is right on everything he said, I've got a lot of health problems and man i'm just screwed up. Literally the only time I can remember being normal and happy was when I was 5, that all was ruined pretty quickly though.
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I've read it, it doesn't answer the question on how to forgive. You can say I need to forgive all you want but if idk how to forgive then what i'm hearing is pointless.
I have two mins before I have to go off to work, so I won't be able to respond before I get home (I don't think). #1, empty the washer and put his clothes on top... you don't have to do his laundry unless your parents say so. You want justice and you can't get it. Over the years all this "injustice" has built up and it's at the boiling point. The ONLY one affected by all this is YOU. This is why you have to send away (forgive) your brother - for your own health and sanity. How? When the feeling of frustration swells up inside you, you walk away, not saying a word, and find a place to pray and tell the feeling "Go away in Jesus name." Speak out to yourself "I cover this feeling with the blood of Jesus". This is exactly what "turning the other cheek" means - taking time to calm down, lower the temperature of your boiling water for example. Then responding, if at all. He ignores you because he knows it'll bug you, so don't let it bug you. Gotta go... more later.
I have two mins before I have to go off to work, so I won't be able to respond before I get home (I don't think). #1, empty the washer and put his clothes on top... you don't have to do his laundry unless your parents say so. You want justice and you can't get it. Over the years all this "injustice" has built up and it's at the boiling point. The ONLY one affected by all this is YOU. This is why you have to send away (forgive) your brother - for your own health and sanity. How? When the feeling of frustration swells up inside you, you walk away, not saying a word, and find a place to pray and tell the feeling "Go away in Jesus name." Speak out to yourself "I cover this feeling with the blood of Jesus". This is exactly what "turning the other cheek" means - taking time to calm down, lower the temperature of your boiling water for example. Then responding, if at all. He ignores you because he knows it'll bug you, so don't let it bug you. Gotta go... more later.
Ugh idk if you understand, I did all that. Tbh I hate talking about my personal life because I'm starting to think no one will ever understand me or the crap I have gone through. I can't blame yah life is a lot more complicated than one incident and i'm not exactly a simple person. I'm glad God understands though even if everyone else on Earth doesn't..
Ugh idk if you understand, I did all that. Tbh I hate talking about my personal life because I'm starting to think no one will ever understand me or the crap I have gone through. I can't blame yah life is a lot more complicated than one incident and i'm not exactly a simple person. I'm glad God understands though even if everyone else on Earth doesn't..
Ok. Let me know if you change your mind.
@Abdicate On Lumina I noticed something. In Genesis 1:1 the Hebrew translates it, "In the beginning created God the heavens and the Earth". I'm wondering if you know why it is spelled out like this in Hebrew instead of the common "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth".
@Abdicate On Lumina I noticed something. In Genesis 1:1 the Hebrew translates it, "In the beginning created God the heavens and the Earth". I'm wondering if you know why it is spelled out like this in Hebrew instead of the common "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth".
In Hebrew the action comes before the subject and in Hebrew is words are literally:

In beginning created God the heavens and the earth.

The KJV reads:

Genesis 1:1 (KJV)
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Two issues in red. "The" isn't in the original and the KJV doesn't annotate it like this: [the] and "heaven" is plural in Hebrew. A side note, the word created is perfect tense meaning it's 100% completed. I hope this helps.
In Hebrew the action comes before the subject and in Hebrew is words are literally:

In beginning created God the heavens and the earth.

The KJV reads:

Genesis 1:1 (KJV)
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Two issues in red. "The" isn't in the original and the KJV doesn't annotate it like this: [the] and "heaven" is plural in Hebrew. A side note, the word created is perfect tense meaning it's 100% completed. I hope this helps.
Thank you :)
Ok so basically I have a lot of hate and fear in my heart... I don't want to go into specifics but yeah... Trust me I don't want to be this way but I can't help it. This world is too crazy and I know I need to change myself or else I'm just a hypocrite but idk how to get rid of this hate and fear. I want to be like Jesus to the point that even if I were on the cross I wouldn't be wanting to kill the people who put me there. Instead atm I just feel uncontrolled wrath. I also don't want to have this fear in my heart and be worried about persecution. I know it will happen b/c Jesus and his apostles are proof of that. Sure, idk if I will ever have to go through that level of persecution and I hope I never have to, but who says it won't happen someday? How can I not be fearful of that level of pain and suffering and how can I not hate the people who commit these acts? These 2 things have been major problems of mine for a while and I just want to get rid of these negative feelings. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.

dear GiL (God is Love),

in reading your post,
i am reminded of the terrible struggles
i've experienced over the decades
in being a Christian:
pride, lust, anger, fear/anxiety, bitterness, etc.....
so, you 'need to change yourself',
ain't gonna happen friend.
you can't change yourself
anymore than you can create
an oak tree out of an acorn.
submit your mess,
you laughingly call your Christian life to Jesus.
He's the Savior.....(as in, you're
God sees the desire of your heart
and that desire is to honor Him.
be patient, my friend.
God is more than able
to do that huge 'cleanup' job
that's got to happen in you.
He loves you desperately
and wants you to shine for His Son.

been there, still doing that.....carla :)