Need Advice About How To Tell A Non-believer About God

All humans are god's children, no matter what their beliefs. Are you denying atheists/non-believers are Gold's children? If you had a child and that child disobeyed your laws, you can say he isn't your child, but he is. The context of the verse remains valid as all humans are the children of The Lord. Calling anyone a fool would fall into this category.
I would like to believe as you do. Even God would but sadly the devil has children too. 1 John 3:10 This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God's child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.
All humans are god's children, no matter what their beliefs. Are you denying atheists/non-believers are Gold's children? If you
had a child and that child disobeyed your laws, you can say he isn't your child, but he is. The context of the verse remains valid
as all humans are the children of The Lord. Calling anyone a fool would fall into this category.

All humans are God's creation. There are those who have repented by being "...born again..."; by heeding the call of the Lord God. Then there are those who have believed the Gospel and obeyed. The proof of believing is obedience. Those are the children of God.
How can an "atheist" be saved if they don't even believe in the One that can save them...or if they feel a little pull to believe, they reject and harden their hearts?
I was asked, can I prove God's exists. For they wanted proof before excepting Him. Now nature, the Word and our existence seems not to be enough proof for them. And also they want to know what God looks like.
I have tried to explain with what I know and have experienced and from Scripture. But this does not satisfy them. And to make matters worse some of them are ex-church, they have been burnt by false teachings.
How do I explain to these people what they want to know, with out hurting them farther, and sending farther away from God?
Can any one advice me what to do? Thanks.
I think this is always a tricky situation because it's hard to see people going down the wrong path. If you come on too strong it seems some people get resentful. I think the most important thing is for people to know that the only way to salvation is to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Then just lead by example, and when they see how happy and spiritually fulfilled you are, it sparks curiosity. It can't hurt to drop a few hints, and when you feel the time is right, ask point blank, "Are you ready to be saved yet?" Ultimately, whether you can convince them or not, it is in God's hands. Just keep praying about it.