Need help on, "ignorance renders you blind" concept and related verses

Need help on, "ignorance renders you blind" concept and related verses

Hi, I'm doing an exhortation on a topic titled "ignorance renders you blind". It is inspired by the concepts in Joseph Campbell's "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" ...

... in short I want to find as many scriptures as possible to paint a picture to people that your lack of knowledge can render you blind. For example we can all perceive the same image (click link to see), yet only those who are knowledgeable enough would know its English meaning of "book", "writing" or "calligraphy". Therefore your ignorance can make you blind.

Next month I would like to continue from that point and possibly cover an application of this. For example, people entering in ungodly relationships are going to encounter heart break - a majority of the time - because they are not entering into their relationship in the way that God intended. Unfortunately one's ignorance would make it difficult to see the problem with such relationship, with common arguments such as, "we're not hurting anybody", etc.

But that's a topic for another thread, so I'll try not to stray from that one.

p.s. Hi all!