We do "reap" what we sow, but sometimes we reap what we did not sow. We live in a broken world were sin has taken its toll on humanity. Jesus suffered many things that he him self did not bring upon himself. In this world we will suffer tribulations and suffering, with persecutions that we did no sow, yet they still come. We will have peace and strength to overcome them all.
Thank you everyone for commenting! I have read each and every one and your testimonies have helped me. I hope they have helped someone else as well
Sometimes It's hard to believe in miracles...when every fiber of your being is being tested. It's always hard to climb the mountain when you are in the valley looking up. And sometimes you get to a point where you can't even find a positive to pick out from your day. Some days when death would feel like a relief. And no, im not suicidal but im just saying that sometimes things become so hard that all you see is nothing. And you feel so worn out that death seems like a welcomed relief. And everything you guys have said has helped me bit by bit. I still don't see my miracle but im feeling much better and it's good to know that others have been through "hell" and back.
I guess for me I just need to let things go a bit. And allow God to work in my life. It always seems like me and him are in a tug and war kind of thing. I want this...but he wants that...and im stubborn. So I keep holding on to my wants while he is pulling them from me. I am normally a very ordered and organized person who believes that if you want something to do be done you do it yourself. So I think even though that can be a good thing...it can also be a bad thing when it comes to my faith. I guess I need to learn to...let it go...
@Phoenix111 ,
It is still early in this new job. Any job in the beginning tends to have it's ups and downs and seems to be a little stressful as you learn a good routine - sooooooooooooo-
Let go and Let God
What I mean is give this to Him in prayer. Give Him your prep time and allow Him to guide you. Set a time for this and trust Him to make it all work out and set a Good Time for sleeping and stick to it. Trust God to make it all work out for the best And Get Some Good Quality Sleep - Every Night...
It wont be long before the stress falls away and you feel like you can do this blind folded and with your slippers on. lol
Praying for you and Please do not allow this to overwhelm you - learn to have fun in this new job...obtw....no pun intended on the learn - miss teacher
God Bless